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under attack造句
61, Coruscant was under attack. 62, Even plants can run a fever, especially when they're under attack by insects or disease. 63, Muradin Bronzebeard: That's them! And re still under attack from the undead! 64, We re under attack! Avast ya swabs ! Repel the invaders! 65, Germany is under attack from an increasing number of state-backed Chinese spying operations that are costing the German economy tens of billions of euros a year, a leading intelligence agent said. 66, Not surprisingly, hypertext has come under attack from traditional critics. 67, GERMANY's chimney sweeps top hats and coiled - wire brushes - are under attack. 68, If you smoke then the whole respiratory system is constantly under attack. 69, The Junkers were ordered northwards to help a German merchantman which were under attack by a Norwegian destroyer. 70, Gretchen had switched targets and he no longer was under attack. 71, The Lusitania's passengers may have been more prone to stampede than those aboard the Titanic because they were traveling in wartime and were aware that they could come under attack at any moment. 72, A world-weary English teacher has to face his most terrifying demons when his comprehensive school comes under attack from a group of youths intent on spreading terror through-out the corridors. 73, Junkers were ordered northwards to help a German merchantman which were under attack by a Norwegian destroyer. 74, Someone as important as the President is always under attack from somebody. 75, Merchants report that your primary shipping route has come under attack from a dire whale! 76, Even the school run is under attack from ministers who want parents to choose the local option. 77, After more than two weeks under attack by NATO forces, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi is still slaughtering his people and showing no sign that he plans to give up.