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under attack造句
31, The Cheshires unleashed between 20 and 30 rounds of rifle fire to cover their withdrawal after they came under attack. 32, If it feels pain, it considers itself to be under attack. 33, Police came under attack from bottles, bricks and plastic crates. 34, At the same time education-based expenditure on meals, milk and transport came under attack. 35, Then the ministry came under attack for its clumsy handling of huge bond-trading losses at the New York branch of Daiwa Bank. 36, By the early 1970s, the national welfare consensus that had prevailed since World War Il was under attack. 37, Even the firemen and ambulance personnel, when they are called in to help, come under attack. 38, Anti-discrimination measures are, of course, reflective of liberal values, many of which are in fact currently under attack. 39, Hiding under a seat in a movie theater that has come under attack by a crazed gunman. 40, Professionals and white-collar employees nowadays increasingly find their status and conditions under attack. 41, His dusty and impoverished desert nation, after all, is under attack from all sides, rhetorically and literally. 42, Once again the oil companies have come under attack from environmentalists. 43, Conversely, those under attack from undertakings in dominant positions from other member states have valuable defences to attacking market dominant undertakings. 44, Almost all phases of national policy came under attack at the hearings. 45, Air pollution and energy conservation aside, private vehicles also come under attack when we consider rural and urban environments. 46, Otherwise there is a risk of coming under attack for not complying with Community competition law requirements. 47, The right to a jury trial is under attack for three main reasons. 48, Holder finds himself marooned in the maelstrom, under attack for giving advice he never fully considered. 49, Warsong Orc: Chieftain, re under attack! 49,try its best to gather and build good sentences. 50, We are under attack and It'seems, it is serious. 51, They stuck by me when I came under attack. 52, The police came under attack from angry crowds. 53, The van is under attack. 54, In rare cases, cruise ships have come under attack. 55, Megatron we are under attack. 56, An Irish Free State soldier crouches behind the window of a bank in O'Connell Street that is under attack from the hotel opposite. 57, In this outrageous demagogic closing of ranks the Roma are being vilified on one side, and the French are coming under attack by the international media on the other. 58, Should be started as a composite of various cycle patterns under attack. 59, Last month a teacher and a talk-show host were arrested in Veracruz state on terrorism charges, after tweeting false rumours that schools were under attack. 60, IN 1861 Shanghai came under attack from the Taiping rebellion, a bloody uprising led by the self-proclaimed younger brother of Jesus Christ.