further on造句31. It should lead us to reflect further on the messages which such behaviour is intended to convey.
32. Further on around the bend there were no lights and no signs of occupation in the second row.
33. A hundred yards further on he turned left again, striding down the rutted track that led to Johnny Boyle's house.
34. The present owners have worked further on the property converting the castle itself and the surrounding stone farm buildings into comfortable residences.
35. It is discussed in depth further on in this section and should be studied.
36. Further on down, near to the city, a single felucca was gliding gracefully in towards the bank.
37. A few miles further on they left the motorway, although they were still following a main road.
38. Juliet couldn't help wondering where David lived, since it was much further on.
39. Benny found herself standing in a smooth-floored entryway that opened on to the docks about ten feet further on.
40. A little further on the quiet was broken by the rumble of a truck.
41. The company refused to comment further on its revised forecasts.
42. Ten yards further on, Siegfried found a trip-wire and gestured McCready to crawl round it.
43. About a hundred yards further on, he came to another notice.
44. Clio engineers sought to improve still further on these virtues.
45. A small number of patients were not contacted further on the advice of their general practitioner, usually because of concurrent malignant disease.
46. Your travel agent or insurance broker can advise you further on this.
47. Not needing any search, and impossible to miss, is a large crater bordering the track a little further on.
48. A few miles further on, I took a left on to a B road which curved up even higher.
49. It's easy enough in the early stages, but gets devilishly hard as you get further on.
50. Further on, the Lower Ddwli Falls are particularly impressive when the river is flowing fast.
51. By also promising to look into export practices, the G8 took a step further on logging issues than in previous summits.
52. The fields around Barnard Castle can be quite green and pleasant, but a few miles further on you meet the snow line.
53. Further on sits a middle-aged man with a vigorous shock of gray hair.
54. I've suggested several simple patterns for you but you can elaborate further on these yourself.
55. You want me to go further on the record with that?
56. No.3 bus stop bit further on.
57. First, avoid one-word answers because the interviewer expects you to proceed further on an open-end question.
58. This is useful for the further on - line quantitative analysis and quality control of linseed oil.
59. There is no need to digress further on the sensuous plane.
60. Houyi (see further on the story Houyi She Ri), seeking perpetual youth, obtained the elixir of immortality from Queen Mother of the West who lived in the Kunlun Mountains.