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61, Conclusion The anti-calcification effect and durability of prothetic valve will be improved through EC treatment or GA and ethanol treatment. 62, EC 24. Lead in solders for the soldering to machined through hole discoidal and planar array ceramic multilayer capacitors. 63, The contribution of EC focuses on panel establishment, implementation of recommendations and rulings, compensation and the suspension of concessions, regulation of amicus curiae and so on. 64, The toxicity and control efficiency of 20 % EC and 10 % EW of Ginkgo biloba L. 65, They had never been found elsewhere but in the intestinal epithelium and this phenomenon supports the theory that EC cells are derived from endoderm. 66, Along with the establishment and the development of European common market, the issue of the harmonization and unification of private law has been put forward on the agenda of the EC. 67, This paper introduces residue analysis methods and decomposability of3%mospilan emulsifiable concentrate(EC)used in tobacco and soil. 68, Along with the fast development of the information technology and international Internet, EC of bran-new business model gets quick expansion and development in the world. 69, Decolorization kinetics and mechanism was studied on treatment of reactive black KN-B simulated wastewater by electrocoagulation (EC) with a sacrificial iron anode. 70, Methods The glutaraldehyde(GA) treated porcine aortic valves were modified chemically with epoxy chloropropane (EC). 71, Electronic Commerce ( EC ) based on Internet reduces the cost of information transfer and trades. 72, The GB 16169 - 2000 moped noise limit issued in 2000 equally adopts the limit of ECE, EC. 73, Carbonic anhydrase(CA; EC a zinc-containing metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible conversion of CO_2 to bicarbonate. 74, During the ship maneuvering , ship-turning angle could be set arbitrarily and the course ERROR (e) and CHANGE IN ERROR (ec) could be larger some time. 75, EC includes EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) and business on web. 76, The relation between the embedding efficiency and particle size and the thermochromism performance of the RTM/EC thermochromic microencapsule and the mechanism of oil phase separation are discussed. 77, Based on ERP, EC and CRM system, a general integrated business intelligent system is proposed. 78, The long stimulation of estrogen without antagonism of progestogen was high-risk factor of EC in patient with sterility of functional endometrorrhagia. 79, The rheological behavior and mechanism of ethyl cellulose (EC), HDPE/EC composite, cellulose aromatic ester (CAE) and PC/CAE composite were studied by capillary rheometer in this paper. 80, EC - 135 Eurocopter helicopters combined with the low noise ducted propeller end of patented technology. 81, It applies to all seals, whether they are in the EC or in Canada or Norway and is entirely non-discriminatory. 82, Conclusion: The incidence of SCCHN in our EC patients was 11.4%. Periodic otolaryngological examination and pharyngoscopy screening can detect SCCHNs early in patients with primary EC. 83, Directive as amended by Directive 97/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 202, 30.7.1997, p.60). 84, The EC - 121 had been attacked and shot down over the sea of Japan. 85, Disagreements among the twelve EC countries prevented them from taking any concerted action. 86, Objective To observe the changes of electrolytic concentration(EC) and tensility of intravenous injection transfused with joint pipe in series(JPIS). 87, Furthermore[/ec.html], margins with residual IND and transanal endorectal pull-through procedure are risk factors to recurrent EC. 88, Bankground: Endometrial carcinoma ( EC ) is a kind of malignancies derived form endometria. 89, EC students ( at public expense Health ) is a national program to recruIt'students. 90, The thousand seed mass, germinating vigor, POD activity and TTC value increased considerably with the delay of harvest dates, but EC value decreased considerably.