快好知 kuaihz

1. The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible. 2. The company has a top-down management system. 3. In the top-down approach, the effects of the wider macroeconomy on the firm's earnings are taken into account. 4. Such models receive information from both top-down and bottom-up sources, and feedback exists between all levels. 5. It is not only top-down planning that has gone; much of the faith in a strong central state has disappeared. 6. In a less restrictive system such a top-down approach would not be feasible. 7. The better approach is a combination of the top-down and the bottom-up approach. 8. Clearly there is a considerable overlap between top-down and bottom-up plans, but the fundamental distinction needs making. 9. The major problem with top-down parsing is the time wasted in expanding rules that can not possibly be satisfied by the input. 10. Dictionary look-up techniques represent the top-down approach, and involve verifying the input word by matching it with a dictionary word. 11. Support for top-down, meet-in-the-middle, and bottom-up development. 12. top-down design method is used in whole design. 13. In top-down development, both client-side and server-side developers use WSDL (the top) to produce the artifacts (the bottom) necessary for their respective environments. 14. Top-down development is an increasingly common practice for at least two important reasons. 15. So far this has been the approach we have made to our top-down dreaming. 16. Logogens accept input from both bottom-up sensory analysers, and top-down contextual mechanisms. 17. This alternative design may be based on management needs, a sort of top-down approach. 18. A larger, more general system would need considerably longer stretches of the utterance, and/or considerably more complex top-down information. 19. It creates a cheap labour force, but it's a top-down approach. 20. There are two main ways of forecasting earnings: the bottom-up approach and the top-down approach. 21. This is not to say that there was no top-down activity or that all bottom-up activity will produce meaningful infrastructure. 22. Such an improvement should permit recognition systems with larger vocabularies and generally weaker top-down constraints. 23. Consider the extent to which the approach can be said to be atomistic or holistic, bottom-up or top-down. 24. The final two chapters look more closely at the interaction between top-down and bottom-up information given the experimental results. 25. Areas of poor acoustic quality but tightly constrained by local syntactic and semantic information would be identified through top-down prediction. 26. On one side for the red flag, an isosceles triangle a white seven horns star, The top-down for black, white, green parallel wide. 27. Voltage mode output, which is used in AMD CPU reference clock top-down design method. 28. The first use case below identifies some things to look for when taking a top-down approach to defining new business rules that have potential for reuse. 29. Finally,[/top-down.html] none of the existing disciplines address how existing applications can be enabled for SOA; a top-down process is employed most of the time. 30. Although they are generally approach-agnostic, each of the techniques discussed below is normally used in combination with either a top-down or bottom-up approach.