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31. It's important to note that you can use the bottom-up process to produce the WSDL that drives the top-down process. 32. Tools support for the top-down approach has generally been more limited than the support for bottom-up, but that support is improving. 33. The approach to use case modeling can be considered a top-down approach for SOA design, where service operations are identified based on where they are needed. 34. Based on the above theorems, a new top-down algorithm for physical topology discovery is proposed, which can construct the whole topology utilizing the AFTs. 35. Top-down development in which Web Service implementation Java? classes are generated from a WSDL. 36. Next, continue the top-down development approach by beginning to implement the mediation flow component by creating a new implementation. 37. In this paper, through the concrete examples, the author introduces two kinds of parsing approaches:bottom-up parsing and top-down parsing. 38. It may involve top-down suppression over the unrelated neural networks of saccade . 39. Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code. 40. Introduced the conception of the top-down design and its technical feature. 41. Top-down method is used first in global designing stage, and then bottom-up method is used in layout design. 42. As we move forward, it is clear that top-down design is required for successful core system renewal projects. 43. In the course of developing , top-down design and modularization are considered. 44. From a logical perspective, the sideway approach allows you to start by adding a subgoal to the logical Web services at the sideway of either the top-down or bottom-up approach. 45. The rapid design of assembly and parts is realized with top-down design method. 46. The MIL-STD-1553B bus was introduced, its IP core was designed using the top-down and modularization method as well as the hardware descriptive language VHDL. 47. In practice, we find that unless a project is entirely green field, in addition to a top-down analysis, there is a simultaneous bottom-up analysis of pre-existing code and business logic. 48. You should start with a top-down approach to performance tuning. 49. Has the W3C been pushing the more bottom-up Linked Data world, because of the frustration over lack of take-up of top-down Semantic Web? 50. This example tries to follow the Java naming convention and organize the relations (mappings, expressions, and conditions) in a top-down approach. 51. The breadth of the change and its impact on the organization is considered above everything else, whereas the depth of the change is usually the focus in vertical top-down or bottom-up approaches. 52. Yet it is hard to argue with success, other economists say, and China's success speaks well of its top-down strategy. 53. Figure 1 shows a simple set of steps that you could use for the top-down approach. 54. The top-down approach is more concerned with the architectural process of analyzing business systems and components to identify processes and services. 55. The top-down inductive program synthesis is based on the method of identification by enumeration. 56. But CAST alone cannot change the top-down model for popularisation. 57. This assembly model provides a good environment for top-down design. 58. This top-down approach is more compact,[www.] which comes in handy for large tables. 59. Clearly, a purely top-down approach is not ideal in this scenario. 60. In the example of the nested, two-level embedding approach, you can embed the top-down approach within the bottom-up approach (see Figure 4) or the other way around.