快好知 kuaihz

hard currency造句
1. The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports. 2. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent. 3. The hotel insisted that we pay in hard currency. 4. Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency. 5. The country needs to raise enough hard currency to pay for its oil imports. 6. Developing countries which are anxious for hard currency can rarely afford to protect the environment. 7. Trade was halted because of a hard currency shortage on the island. 8. Anything bringing hard currency into the island is welcomed. 9. The black market in hard currency was reborn. 10. In terms of hard currency, I will give you an example of what I mean. 11. Hard currency can be earned for the authorities from foreign scientists who want to study the effects of a nuclear accident. 12. Most hard currency comes from state grants, from exporting raw materials or manufactured goods. 13. Pizza is the hard currency of our relationship with these children. 14. Would it not continue to need the hard currency and expertise which a westernised Hong Kong attracted? 15. They could be purchased with hard currency but not roubles. 16. Czechoslovakia still insists on an inflated hard currency exchange rate which reflects its closed economy. 17. Military hardware and a nuclear power plant earn hard currency. 18. Repatriation of profits would be possible by converting roubles into hard currency on the new exchanges. 19. A lot of the food grown in Mexico is exported to earn hard currency. 20. The decree also established from Jan. 1, 1991, currency exchanges where enterprises could sell roubles for hard currency. 21. According to the Treaty, non-signatories would have to pay hard currency for their imports from the new Soviet Union. 22. The country relies on tourism and the sale of raw materials for hard currency. 23. Trade with other former members of Comecon is to be in hard currency, if it takes place at all. 24. In 1982 oil made up about 60% of the Soviet Union's hard currency income. 25. It is almost as if there is an orchestrated campaign to take hard currency out of the market-place. 26. Its high rise flats are steeped in monotonous poverty: families survive on next to nothing, heroin is a hard currency. 27. The Communist foreign trading company, Limex, was commissioned to market the Wall and drum up some hard currency. 28. The Eastern bloc desperately needed Western goods but had no hard currency to pay for them, even if they were available legitimately. 29. From Sept. 15 foreigners were forbidden to export scarce consumer goods, unless purchased for hard currency. 30. The price can be set below the competitors to attract foreign buyers who have to pay in hard currency.