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hard currency造句
31. No tax is involved in these countries, and holding the plan offshore means you can use hard currency. 32. The meaning of hard currency is here. 33. International sanctions have hit other sources of hard currency. 34. The Swiss franc is a hard currency. 35. The countries agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in hard currency, replacing previous barter arrangements. 36. Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency. 37. Alternatively, countries with strong external finances can buy SDRs from countries which need hard currency. 38. In fact, British pound, the dollar will become a hard currency Why, where are they hard? 39. These three moves constitute unilateral, bilateral and regional moves in the direction of a hard currency. 40. This is the biggest hard currency features, we still do not have the strength. 41. But only around two - thirds of Cubans have access to hard currency from one source or another. 42. Well, can you apply for a hard currency loan from your government or a bank? 43. Germany once had a solid economy, good fiscal and monetary policies, and a hard currency. 44. RMB faces two choices: either pursuing the monetary internationalization strategy to make RMB become one kind of convertible foreign exchange or becoming the target that hard currency substitutes. 45. It certainly sounds very promising. Thus we could get around the hard currency problem. 46. It can usu. be bought cheaply , esp. in exchange for hard currency. 47. It is the only country that we know has hard currency reserves of almost $ 2 trillion. 48. Some people brave harassment and shooting to cross the border into China to earn hard currency (many North Koreans, especially black-market traders, cross and recross into China). 49. Tighter financial sanctions could further deprive North Korea of already scarce hard currency.