public debate造句61, So many of these people have seized the public imagination and have contributed to public debate.
62, The club is planning a public debate on "This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology".
63, The ground rules of the society must encourage tolerance and civility in public debate.
64, There is plenty of public debate about who should run banks.
65, A public debate over the ethical limits to such neuroscience is long overdue.
66, This problem is rarely acknowledged and little understood in public debate.
67, Although few companies actually adopted the form of a "trust, " the term rapidly became the catchword in public debate over the government's role in a time of such industrial concentration.
68, But, like circumcision, it is an issue of public debate.
69, When the bill was passed, there was no public debate on it at all.
70, A public debate is needed on these and other proposals to toughen Sarbanes - Oxley's sanctions.