darwinian造句1) Meanwhile serious Darwinian biologists got fed up.
2) The Darwinian worldview is the view of evolutionary naturalism.
3) Chance is a minor ingredient in the Darwinian recipe, but the most important ingredient is cumulative selection which is quintessentially nonrandom.
4) It is thoroughly Darwinian in its stress on the paramount importance of biotic interactions.
5) Even though Darwinian evolution is represented as a competitive process, the outcome has often been that animals ended up working with each other.
6) Another popular misconception of Darwinian evolution is that its products must be genetically determined because their inheritance depends on genes.
7) Once it has been consumed, the Darwinian machine comes to a stop.
8) The cutthroat, Darwinian capitalism of tournament golf was immensely appealing to Peter.
9) Piaget examined and rejected both the Darwinian and Lamarckian positions, which conclude that for biological reasons, wars are inevitable.
10) He proposed that, therefore, Darwinian evolution is primarily about changes in the genes.
11) They were Darwinian gradualists who thought of human progress in terms of ever-increasing rationality.
12) Darwinian selection has to have genetic variation to work on.
13) By the end of the nineteenth century, the Darwinian revolution appeared to offer scientific proof of the processes of evolution.
14) Conversely, opposition to Darwinian evolution, even among scientists, came from the socially conservative.
15) G.J. Allman lectured in March 1873 on another Darwinian theme, the formation of coral islands.
16) Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity.
18) Still another problem with Darwinian theory involves extinction.
19) If Darwinian theory works so well, why challenge it?
20) Anaximander, a pre-Socratic philosopher, was the first Darwinian.
21) In a word, a steady state system is lively, even truly alive, like a Darwinian universe.
22) When these combine they open up a new range of possibilities on which Darwinian evolution can act.
23) The caddis house, nobody could doubt, is an adaptation, evolved by Darwinian selection.
24) But this still left certain questions unanswered, and many naturalists did not accept the Darwinian approach to the question.
25) However, the molecule and its fellows also raise problems that are hard to accommodate within a Darwinian framework.
26) So how did it come to evolve by slow, steady, infinitesimally small Darwinian improvements?
27) Strictly speaking, of course, there are no ends in animal life for a Darwinian.
28) Not surprising, you might think, in animals designed by Darwinian evolution to find associations in the real world.
29) If it is, it has to have come about by Darwinian selection of fluke genes.
30) The idea of genetic algorithms is to mimic natural Darwinian selection of genetic codes.