快好知 kuaihz

31 So the system becomes too large. Anglo-American law is conservative to negotiorum gestio, which stipulates analogous negotiorum gestio in the law of restitution. 32 A corresponding one in the anglo-american law system is interlocutory injunction which originated from equitable law. 33 The anglo-american law system restricts the rights of court by regulating the kind and range of accusal. The pattern of restriction is restricted by entity. 34 Resounding with system of anticipatory breach of contract in Anglo-American genealogy of laws. 35 Originating from Anglo-American law, anticipatory breach has been adopted by treaties, conventions and the continental law system. 36 The rule of relevancy is a fundamental rule in Anglo-American Evidence law. 37 Therefore, this paper tents to detail the regime of anticipatory breach of contract in Anglo-American law as reference for the perfection of our laws. 38 Based on Continental law system and Anglo-American law system, the commercial Bill Laws in China has prescribed three ways for legal remedy, that is, report the loss and stop payment, public summons... 39 Negotiorum gestio should include only traditional legal negotiorum gestio. And we can learn from Anglo-American law. 40 From Iceland to Latin America, Central Africa to the Philippines, representatives reportedly deplore the demise of their cultures with the rising influence of Anglo-American television and culture. 41 In the past, consent of victim is the defense to exempt the civil liabilities of defendant. I think assumption of risk in Anglo-American Law is more suitable. 42 Anglo-American Law of Agency is established on the Theory of Identity, including agency of named principal, agency of unnamed principal and agency of undisclosed principal. 43 Trustee in bankruptcy system is a common international practice, which is one of more mature systems in Anglo-American law system countries bankrupt law. 44 Positive law is the main source of continental legal system, while the source of law in Anglo-American countries is based on judicial precedent. 45 Some of this fuss reflects the culture shock in countries suddenly facing the full rigours of Anglo-American capitalism. 46 First , I review Legislation and judicial practice problems, then make the conclusion: The law should not draw on the non-appearance judgments systems in Anglo-American law. 47 In 1774, in the most important copyright case in Anglo-American legal history, the British House of Lords sided with Donaldson and rejected the idea of a perpetual copyright. 48 In the Anglo-American press infringement cases, there are three basic kinds of damages: general damages, special damages and punitive damages. 49 Anticipatory breach is one of the important systems in the modern Anglo-American contract law based on the case law.