快好知 kuaihz

1 He was born of Anglo-American parentage. 2 I made a crude summary of Anglo-American attitudes. 3 Anglo-American markets will be worst affected by the credIt'squeeze. 4 The Anglo-American assault lasted four days, with 650 air sorties and 400 cruise missiles, all carefully targeted to hit military and national security targets and to minimize civilian casualties. 5 Chinese democracy may not look like Anglo-American democracy, but elections, free speech, responsiveness to the people will come. 6 In recent years, the Shenyang Anglo-American POW Camp which was built by Japanese army during WWII has become an academic concern, with many research results published. 7 The agreement was shaped by Anglo-American dialogue, with occasional mediation from France and Canada. 8 Foreigners would depart by the planeload,[www.] especially the Anglo-American crowd that dominated politics and business during British rule. 9 Based on Continental law system and Anglo-American law system, the commercial Bill Laws in China has prescribed three ways for legal remedy, that is, report the loss and stop payment, public summ... 10 The article describes the Anglo-American law of evidence as it applies to forensic-science testimony interpreting the significance of a "match" to trace evidence. 11 The Berlin Airlift was a brilliant demonstration of Anglo-American power, peacefully employed for democratic ends. 12 In the countries of Anglo-American Law System, the trustee has the legal title of the trust property, while the beneficiary has the equitable title of it. 13 The combining form 'Anglo', which means English, combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile. 14 Anticipatory breach of contract consists of express anticipatory breach of contract and implied anticipatory breach of contract, which is the specified by the Anglo-American law system. 15 In Anglo-Amercian law, As the appearance of assumpsit, Source of validity of the contracts was became the most important question in the contract law of Anglo-American law contouries. 16 The strict liability is a imputative principle of legal liability and a feature of the criminal theory in Anglo-American law systems. 17 Floating charge legal system not only exists in the United Kingdom, United States, and other countries using Anglo-American law system, but also exists in the civil law countries like Japan. 18 As a important system in the civil procedure, the self-confession is a mature theory and perfect legislation in the Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System. 19 The principle of res ipsa loquitur is a special evidence rule or doctrine in Anglo-American tort law. 20 Ideological assertiveness makes a change for a country that spent much of the past 15 years debating how far it needed to copy Anglo-American capitalism. 21 Concern with the fairness of government decisionmaking procedures is a primary feature of Anglo-American legal systems. 22 Anticipatory breach of contract was originally a peculiar part of Anglo-American legal system. 23 It has been recognized that case law is the dominant source of Anglo-American legal system. So, the adoption between case law and statutory law becomes the distinctive watershed of two legal systems. 24 In the long-term legal practice, a list of complicated application rules around the credibility of hearsay evidence were formed in Anglo-American law system. 25 In the civil law, it is embodied in the right for unstable counterplea, in Anglo-American law it is reflected in the right for the anticipatory breach of contract. 26 And the "specified legal rules" means the "hearsay evidence rule"and "best evidence rule" under the Anglo-American law system. 27 Burden of producing evidence and burden of persuasion in the Anglo-American law system and subjective burden and objective burden are different, strictly speaking. 28 But in the contemporary era, Continental laws have formed the principle on the basis of the adjudged force, while Anglo-American laws take protection against double jeopardy as the basis of it. 29 Hearsay Evidence is the one of the most controversial evidence types in Anglo-American Evidence Law System. 30 Officials point to the presence of Nato forces in neighbouring Afghanistan as a launchpad for Anglo-American interference.