快好知 kuaihz

across the country造句
(1) Her renown spread across the country. (2) The local media reported rioting across the country. (3) The truck conveyed machinery across the country. (4) The news sparked a wave of euphoria across the country. (5) Growth has not been uniform across the country. (6) The south wind blows warm air across the country. (7) Unemployment averaged 15% across the country. (8) Her family is scattered across the country. (9) The winds of change are blowing across the country. (10) The company syndicates cartoons to newspapers across the country. (11) They ran commercials on cable systems across the country. (12) These murders have provoked outrage across the country. (13) I set out across the country looking for adventure. (14) Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country. (15) Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes. (16) Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime. (17) It's impossible to apply the same academic standards across the country. (18) Her center is typical of many across the country — a non-profit organization that cares for about 50 children. (19) There is an uneven distribution of wealth across the country from the north to the south. (20) A band of high pressure is moving across the country. (21) Support for the Liberals is fairly evenly spread across the country. (22) Dealers across the country continue to complain about huge stocks of unsold cars. (23) Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired up to receive TV via cable. (24) Relative rates of house price inflation have evened out across the country. (25) A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country. (26) There are 39 severe flood warnings on 22 rivers across the country. (27) She has built up a chain of 180 bookshops across the country. (28) The immediate sequel to the price rises was uprisings across the country. (29) Their work involves restoring and recreating wildlife habitats all across the country. (30) There is an estimated shortfall of some five million dwellings across the country.