快好知 kuaihz

across the country造句
(61) Today, he and Betty Jo have a very successful distribution business that stretches across the country and around the world. (62) Blacks, particularly black males, are underrepresented in medical schools across the country. (63) During the past week, members of Congress and local officials from across the country have urged Clinton to intervene. (64) Newsagents across the country have withdrawn the magazine after numerous complaints from women's groups. (65) Schools from across the country craved his talents, but only two stood a chance. (66) Many questions have been raised about acquaintance rape since the surge of reported cases has been noted across the country. (67) Now fairly standard practice across the country, the employee magazine was new to us when it was suggested. (68) Months of testing still lie ahead, with work being done at laboratories across the country. (69) The Forest Service is responsible for fighting fires on national lands across the country. (70) In recent weeks the two groups had buried their differences to stage joint armed protests across the country. (71) The survey included telephone interviews with 3,000 people randomly selected across the country between July and November last year. (72) In reply to a question as to how many cathedral choristers become clergy, the response of 2.5% was consistent across the country. (73) Suddenly, before the competition could react, Snapple was in stores all across the country. (74) Since then, grass-roots groups have been supporting Communist candidates in local elections across the country. (75) The programme already has more than two million listeners across the country. (76) On Feb. 25 almost 400,000 soldiers and police were deployed across the country to guard polling booths. (77) Comics stores across the country have been shuttered, and even the mighty Marvel Comics has filed for bankruptcy protection. (78) The Daily News is accompanying the fighters as they barnstorm across the country, joining them on planes provided by Caesars. (79) In an introduction to the report Mr Prescott says that the need for improvement will differ substantially across the country. (80) Newsagents across the country had cleared extra floor space for the 60,000 additional copies of the paper. (81) Myers' staff has also organized more than 1, 000 round-table meetings with women across the country. (82) A polar airstream has swept across the country on strong north-westerly winds. (83) The company transports meat across the country in refrigerated containers. (84) The 60-second commercial is now being shown at cinemas following the launch of Alien 3 across the country. (85) All across the country I found promoters who were not willing to meet their contractual obligations. (86) The publication also is distributed to youth clubs, clinics, school libraries, drug treatment centers and churches across the country. (87) Throughout 1992 meetings were held across the country for representatives of industry and colleges to discuss the implications of the new framework. (88) There are spice specialty stores, catalogs and magazines. Hot and spicy food shows are burning a path across the country. (89) The distant rumblings of more serious trouble were being felt across the country, but not by Daley. (90) There appears to be a growing dissatisfaction with Rag in several universities across the country.