快好知 kuaihz

31. The preset of pragmatics is influenced by the shifting of sentence focus. 32. Paralanguage, a special feature of nonverbal communication, is a language feature worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics. 33. At present the keyword-based knowledge information retrieval mode of ITS, being very limited in revealing semantics and pragmatics, is difficult to satisfy the users' actual demands. 34. To these ends, the paper argues that metonymic usage be examined within the overall framework of reference and analyzed in the light of cognitive pragmatics . 35. Pragmatics plays a very important role in English language teaching. 36. This thesis deals with the usage of three key notions of pragmatics in cloze, respectively variability, negotiability and adaptability. 37. Before Montague Grammar, The language shape of logic is studied and studies the range only limited to the artificial language of logic with logic semantics, the logic Pragmatics is basically a blank. 38. Pragmatics is the study of language use and linguistic communication. 39. In pragmatics, adjacency pair is a heatedly - discussed topic. 40. This thesis furthers the study of markedness theory in terms of pragmatics, and attempts to apply this theory to numerical translation assessment. 41. The components of linguistic knowledge include knowledge about grammar, pragmatics and metalinguistic knowledge, which aids explicit and systematic processes of second language acquisition. 42. The achievements of acquiring Chinese passive sentence in second language acquisition are mainly in the acquisition of grammatical pattern, and seldom in the acquisition of pragmatics function. 43. Nominal anaphora, which is marked or illogical, usually carries special pragmatic meanings. This anaphoric pattern can only be analyzed and inferred reasonably from a point of view of pragmatics. 44. Paralanguage, a feature of nonverbal communication, is a speech act which is worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics study. 45. The choice will be influenced by selection of business partners in the value chain, emerging standards and pragmatics of a solution. 46. On the theoretic basis of pragmatics, the thesis also analyzes discourse macro-structure, register and conversation structure from the perspective of discourse reconstruction. 47. Focusing on the three aspects of this frame, I analyze the science display in the ways of semantics, syntactics and pragmatics with many real display programs. 48. In culture, transfer will appear in two areas: lexical meaning and pragmatics. 49. Lots of examples are cited to show that different syntactic structures form the basis of ambiguity, and polysemous phenomena in semantics and pragmatics provide the possibility of ambiguity. 50. In pragmatics views, speech act is a cardinal points of language communication. 51. Intension is an important notion in pragmatics, for many indexical expressions, the determination of their extensions depends on the intensions of their components. 52. The author employs adaptation theory (a new approach of pragmatics) to realize pragmatic equivalent effect and puts forward some modes of adaptation in trademark translation. 53. These years the emergence of stylistics , pragmatics and discourse analysis has given rise to some new developments in the study of language reports. 54. As an important element of pragmatics, deixis plays the role of relating utterance with its context. 54.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 55. As such , verbal humor study approached from thc traditional lexico - semantic analysis but within modern pragmatics. 56. This research will attempt to show that cognitive semantics and pragmatics are basically complementary to each other and that other traditional rhetorical devices can also be thus studied. 57. The analysis of the contextual meaning at the second level is based on the theories of speech acts of pragmatics and cross-culture communication. 58. As an important element of pragmatics, deixis role of relating utterance with its context. 59. After the discussion about the interrelatedness between pragmatics and cognitive linguistics, p... 60. His main research are Pragmatics, Systemic Functional Grammar, and the contrastive study between English and Chinese.