快好知 kuaihz

61. The concept of irony should have three interpretive dimensions: semeiology dimension, pragmatics dimension and philosophy dimension. 62. Through analysis of a Chinese signboard mistranslation, this article discusses the differences between English and Chinese pragmatics. 63. Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and Multiple Choice Test (MCQ) -two data elicitation techniques - are widely used in eliciting speech act data on cross-cultural pragmatics studies. 64. Gardiner's linguistic theory, especially his thinking on pragmatics, is surveyed and analyzed in this paper. 65. Chapter four discusses selective mechanism of monosyllable adjectives and noun phrases from the perspectives of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. 66. The Speech Act Theory is one of the most important theories in pragmatics study. 67. In pragmatics, "world" is known as the reality, refer ring to the function of mind of the language user. It is activated and transformed into contextual meaning. 68. In the latter part, we concentrate on the relation between the Principle of Least Effort and pragmatics theories. 69. The author employs adaptation theory (a new approach of pragmatics) to realize pragmatic equivalent effect and put forward five modes of adaptation in trademark translation. 70. Instead, the scriptoria of the proliferating centers of medieval learning were ruled by the pragmatics of the copyist. 71. Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics provide different perspectives for irony study. 72. Accordingly, books and researches about pragmatics have crowded into the linguistic circle. 73. Based on the existing researches, this paper carries out homonymy research from different points of views, like lexicology, semantics, rhetoric, pragmatics, comparative linguistics and so on. 74. Finally, students should observe how to use invitation in what environment where social pragmatics and pragmatical language observation are mixed. 75. The present study examines nonnative speakers' pragmatic development from interlanguage pragmatics perspective. 76. Speech act theory is one of the important parts of pragmatics. 77. Then the paper makes an analysis on the match condition of the structure from semantic meaning, grammar and pragmatics. 78. In linguistic field, the study on temporal features mainly focuses on the internal structure of language such as morphology, syntax, semantics, aspectual study and pragmatics. 79. Presupposition is a very important concept in Semantics and Pragmatics. 80. It was in ancient times that the thought of pedagogical pragmatics began to gestate and form. 81. The use of ostensive definition presupposes the presence of its user, which means that the interpretation of linguistic meaning is a fusion of pragmatics and semantics.