smelled造句181. Four single bulbs under tin covers lit the entire station, and the air smelled of coal and damp earth.
182. It reeked of wet straw and stale horse manure, and the old nag the lad fetched smelled sweaty.
183. We heard a suppressed murmuring and smelled rotting rags and old urine as we passed the gate.
184. He bathed a lot and never smelled even alive, to tell the truth.
185. It smelled of fish oil and something that made Wyatt think of a mattress that had been doused with beer.
186. But Arnold Thomas smelled a bigger profit from the up-and-coming developers who were looking to build back-to-backs for the mill-workers.
187. She had repressed the urge to reach over and touch her-this woman who smelled deliciously of perfume and powder.
188. The food smelled good to her, reflecting the festive holiday preparation.
189. When she returned after midnight she smelled of beer and cigarette smoke.
190. The Adkinsons' neighbors smelled wrong in the air, but pinched their noses closed and kept to themselves.
191. She smelled the salt, and imagined the dock rocking gently to and fro.
192. The air, fresh and cold, smelled to her as sweet as a sea breeze.
193. The bar was gloomy and smelled of stale cigar smoke.
194. As Pegasus fought clear, I smelled smoke and felt a glancing blow which whirled me backwards and away.
195. But my traveling companion, more wary and savvy than I, smelled scam.
196. It smelled toxic, looked like pus from the creature from the black lagoon and burned like hot coals on the skin.
197. Niki smelled the rat and said unless his driving contract were honoured, he would move to McLaren.
198. He smelled the dust and oil of three thousand miles on Mitch's jacket.
199. She smelled the tang of fear in her nostrils and the taste of it in her mouth.
200. The whole house smelled of it, of lost youth shrivelled up into a kind of dust.
201. Pots and tin trays were clanging over the whirr of dishwashers; the tables smelled sweet and oily.
202. The crypt was damp and smelled of the occupation of the past six nights.
203. He smelled light sweat, felt spittle reaching to his chin.
204. The air smelled of woodsmoke and a mix of things that had been trapped for a while under the snow.
205. Kunta warily smelled the stew before tasting it.
206. He stank [ smelled ] of garlic.
207. The interior was dark and smelled of mildew.
208. The kitchen smelled really funky.
209. Factory waste has smelled up the creek.
210. His breath smelled of beer and pickled onions.