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holy spirit造句
91. The ego is the choice for guilt; the Holy Spirit the choice for guiltlessness. 92. That would a great mistake . The Holy Spirit must have full possession. 93. I baptized you in water; But he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit. 94. After Pentecost, the activity is now pre-eminently the work of the Holy Spirit. 95. Ask the Holy Spirit to supernaturally reveal Jesus to Oman Muslims as the way to true peace. 96. How can I be born again and receive the Holy Spirit? 97. HOW HAS GOD USED HIS HOLY SPIRIT IN THE PAST? 98. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are referred to as Trinity in the Christian religion. 99. Acts 16:6 And they passed through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. 100. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. 101. Guard the good deposit through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. 102. What answer that the Holy Spirit gives can reach you, when it is your specialness to which you listen, and which asks and answers? 103. Man's faith and repentance are gifts of the Holy Spirit. 104. And we beseech Thee, O most merciful God, that this child may be enlightened and sanctified from her early years by the Holy Spirit, and be everlastingly saved by Thy mercy. 105. He referred several times to the Paraclete , whom he identified as the Spirit of truth and the Holy Spirit. 106. This poem, Milton tells us again and again, has been authorized by that same Holy Spirit who had inspired Moses to write the Book of Genesis. 107. Invite the Holy Spirit to come to this nation, reviving Believers and drawing the lost and unreached into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 108. The 55-year-old businessman arrived 10 years ago from Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on, he says, the instructions of the Holy Spirit, with one suitcase and his Bible. 109. Christ had come into their lives and the Holy Spirit had begun to develop the character of Christ within them. 110. The apostle Paul knew that the Thessalonian Chris?tians were chosen by God. He knew this because of the power of the gospel they had received with a joy that could only have come from the Holy Spirit. 111. The Holy Spirit guides you into life eternal, but you must relinquish your investment in death, or you will not see life though it is all around you. T-12. 112. The Holy Spirit will help you reinterpret everything that you perceive as fearful, and teach you that only what is loving is true. 113. He truly became man, being begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. 114. However, we also must believe that the Holy Spirit does illumine and guide us. 115. The Assemblies of God's "Cardinal Doctrines" are salvation through Jesus Christ, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, and the Second Coming of Christ.