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31, The colour of the petiole and shoot, very significantly correlating with fruit colour, can be used as morphological indexes of preselection. 32, Celery for the celery is formed Apiaceae herbs Feinen petiole, its spicy, sweet, cool, nutritious, containing protein, various vitamins and essential minerals and dietary fiber body. 33, Fruit petiole, stalk near to the bract, and the base of the bract were all covered with trichomes. 34, Whereas the most difference among quantity characters are lobule petiole length and beta coefficient is 70.03 %. 35, Phyllode An expanded flattened petiole that acts as the photosynthetic organ if the lamina is missing or very reduced. Phyllodes are seen in various Australian species of Acacia. 36, Late - bolting, white petiole good plant shape, good quality. 37, The vascular tissue passes through the pulvinus into the petiole proper. 38, ResultsRhizome, fibre, lamina and petiole organs obtain alkaloid and berberine contents. 39, Compared with single nitrate nutrition, EAN significantly increased cotton's leaf area, taproot length, primary lateral root number, dry weights (DW) of whole plant and petiole respectively. 40, The path analysis suggested that head width, blade width, leaf numbers, and petiole width were the main factors affecting on plant weights of pakchoi . 41, Stipule A modified leaf found as an outgrowth from the petiole or leaf base. 42, The second is leaf comprehensive characters, including leaf shape, leaf shape variation, petiole, young leaf color, leaf margin color. 42,try its best to gather and create good sentences. 43, Petiole green, leaf blade elliptic to oblong, margin sometimes serrate; flowers ca. 5 cm in diam. ; stamens 20–25. 44, In long shoot, the leaf width, leaf length, leaf area, petiole length and basal angle decreased, but the leaf index and the ratio of lobation increased as its arrangement increased. 45, Explants from leaf blade, stem internode and petiole of sweet potato 8129 4 were tested on various media to determine the best explant for regeneration. 46, Light green, elliptical, very thin, long flexible petiole. Usually single crown. Large.