快好知 kuaihz

(31) Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch? (32) BUTCH AND SUNDANCE continuing to ride. (33) Butch: In the fifth, my ass goes down. (34) She was this butch kind of character. (35) BART CASSIDY Butch Cassidy: each time he is hit, he draws a card. (36) Butch, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier. (37) I was fast asleep in my butch at that time. (38) Many young people wear a butch haircut, which is popular nowadays. (39) And just like Butch and Sundance we'll ride until the dawn. (40) KM : I never related to her as being butch, ever. (41) Nature's transvestism occurs in a diverse array of species, from female hyenas with pseudo penises to butch butterflies. (42) Butch Morgan, here, " he said, pointing to the first poster, "is a rustler and a bank robber. (43) I get a haircut today, had my shoulder - length hair cut to butch hair. (44) Butch : But I still need to brush up ON traffic rules a little bit. (45) BUTCH AND SUNDANCE. BUTCH glances at MACON'S gun belt for a moment, then shakes his head. (46) OH, HOLY CHEESE! BUTCH UP ,[http://] YOU LITTLE HOT - HOUSE ORCHID! (47) LIKE professional wrestling, private equity has a butch subculture that is hard to take entirely seriously. (48) He is pictured here with Mr. Redford , his co - star in Butch Cassidy and theandThe Sting. (49) Terry Pugh : [ after Butch holds pistol at Pugh's head ] You're a fucking crazy man.