快好知 kuaihz

1, She's involved in many extra - curricular activities, such as music, sport and drama. 2, The structure reflects traditional curricular preoccupations in special education. 3, There is probably no curricular subject that creates as much anxiety for parents as writing, and this is no surprise. 4, But curricular and assessment arrangements should aim to raise expectations and to help to narrow the gap wherever possible. 5, The new curricular teaching and examinations are very labour intensive and have considerable resource implications. 6, The doors could close, backs could be turned, curricular recommendations accepted, nodded at, and put on the shelf. 7, Genuine curricular reform needs to begin by acknowledging that not all of the facts we teach children will stick with them. 8, While reducing head teachers' autonomy in curricular matters, the 1988 Act increases it in matters of financial management. 9, Academic courses raise a number of important curricular issues, but there are four which merit particular attention. 10, Indeed, the very notion of student access implies curricular foundations. 11, I participated in several extra - curricular activities. 12, Identify curricular plan and teaching and learning materials development. 13, We have extra curricular activities after 4:00 in the afternoon. 14, Extra - curricular activities create an environment to stimulate and enhance student learning. 15, Link of main practicality education: Include curricular exercitation, graduation field trip , general arrangement 10 - - 12 weeks. 16, While it may help protect the existing curriculum against falling rolls it will also reduce the curricular decision-making capacity of the school. 17, Hubbard Woods teachers provide parents with a detailed narrative about how students are developing in curricular and social areas. 18, In each of these a textbook may be present as a resource, but it does not dictate the curricular program. 19, This would not be to the exclusion of other World Religions which would be included in their appropriate curricular area. 20, Two pairs of concepts have been elaborated in the light of empirical work conducted in actual curricular settings. 21, This chapter has shown the uses of different software packages for administrative and curricular purposes. 22, Such programs have been used in a number of curricular areas. 23, These sources make it clear we will be fed yet more standardized testing and curricular standards. 24, Geotechnics, laboratory and numerical assessment of bearing capacity of soils under curricular footings, enhancement of soil properties using man-made additives. 25, This might be for disciplinary reasons or for redundancies arising from, perhaps, reduced staffing needs or curricular changes. 26, Organisation within the school emphasises whole-staff participation in management, cross-phase teams in curricular areas and whole-school planning strategies. 27, There is surprisingly little literature which explores these questions in curricular terms. 28, This deeply ingrained suspicion of central government explains the aversion of teachers to any increase of ministerial involvement in curricular matters. 29, Compared with the apprentice system, the modern commercial education had a more systemic curricular system, and the theory was more profound, the instructional objectives were more practical. 30, His classmate refused let him in on their extra - curricular activities.