快好知 kuaihz

31, Rather than the all - American extra - curricular activities such as cheerleading, Uma had better things to do: act. 32, Doubts about the effectiveness of secondary education also show themselves in ideas of curricular reform. 33, Extracurricular activities are necessary complementarity to curricular study and play an important role in medical education. 34, Extra - curricular activities like sports let kids spend more time away from home. 35, Are you involved in any extra - curricular activities on campus? 36, Hours of rest time and extra - curricular activities, adult students always to run helter-skelter , we all eat rice, do not run helter-skelter to save food. 37, And we have a set of curricular up there, we have training guys for how to run your interfaith youth service. 38, Students participate in numerous curricular and extracurricular ensembles ranging from the curricular Dramashop to the extracurricular improv comedy troupe, Roadkill Buffet. 39, Yeah, but it was only discussed as material for extra - curricular studies. 40, Selection criteria: academic performance, extra - curricular activities & voluntary services, conduct and interview. 41, It took the new schoolteacher a year to learn the ropes regarding administrative and curricular matters. 42, Our teachers have time and time again stressed the importance of extra curricular activities. 43, D . All kinds of member can enjoy curricular benefit in the club. 44, I had been a teaching assistant of XXX curricular for one semester. 45, Informal schools use the national curricular talk curriculum taught in public schools. 46, Extra - curricular Messier is a father of five and a practising Catholic. 47, Teachers interrelate ideas and information within and across curricular areas to extend students'understanding. 48, One , curricular description An Jun is a soldier of Beijing region. 49, school - joining packs including uniform lists, medical questionnaires, guardianship requirements, curricular options and first day activities. 50, Panel Interview. Candidates are first put through an interview regarding one's personal and education background, career objectives, achievements, extra curricular activities, etc.