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91. Land resources inventory short-periodically, database building and updating is the basical task and important prerequisite of land optimum utilization and scientific management. 92. In the active fuzzy database, because of fuzzy property of fuzzy data, it is different from traditional database in expression and updating treatment of fuzzy data. 93. The connection quadric exploit is a quite active application domain of present structure computation model updating technology research. 94. Satisfied serviced, advanced technology, reliable honor, top-ranking quality, competitive price, updating product,[www.] all these make the carpet sell well in and out of China. 95. Zaohe pumping station in Jiangsu province is the largest mixing flow pumping station. The working security checkup weightily affects the content and profoundity of the updating and rebuilding items. 96. This dissertation defines the heuristic information in ACO properly and designs the corresponding ACO's state transition rule and pheromone updating rule. 97. The probability updating algorithm for acyclic Temporal Bayesian network based on model simplification and general probability updating algorithm for Temporal Bayesian network are presented. 98. A user interface is provided to display status of the updating of the NVM to improve user experience. 99. Modern logistics highly relies on collection, analysis, processing and timely updating of mass data and information. 100. An updating technique for structural dynamic models is proposed in this study on the basis of neural network. 101. The traffic information includes basic module, log file, log updating, tracer, configuration and WebPage. 102. This part in this multipart series covers hardware configuration, including understanding architecture, planning logical network design, setting up terminal servers, and updating firmware. 103. The enhanced P300 elicited by the auditory and visual deviant stimuli in active condition may reflect the representation updating of work memory. 104. In the part of index renewal, this paper proposed three dynamic index updating strategies based on order memory, and a kind of index dynamic updating algorithm based on chain memory. 105. This paper mainly discusses the flow of updating data in asynchronous mode. 106. The Senate voted Wednesday on the bill updating FISA -- which had a provision to shield telecommunications companies that had cooperated in the surveillance. 107. The constraints were handled by non-smooth exact penalization method with self-adaptive updating penalty coefficient. 108. A modified ULV updating algorithm. is applied to performing noise subspace tracking. The algorithm does not require rank estimation of the correlation matrix, and estimate directly the noise subspace. 109. The proposed stable updating law indeed improves the learning capability of RBFNN. 110. Furthermore, according to the features of the pheromone strewing when solving the problem by ant colony algorithm, the strewing method and updating strategy of pheromone were reconstructed. 111. In the first improved algorithm, the determinate of the diagonalization matrix is expanded by its current updating column to avoid matrix inverse operation in this computational phase. 112. The explicit action of republishing the changes to the server saves the unnecessary time spent on updating the server when the application is not ready to be republished. 113. On basis of cellular automaton model and CS model, with the help of multithread, high-speed updating of the whole simulation system of large-scale traffic network was realized. 114. Using experiments on network traffic analysis, the feasibility of updating normal profile for anomaly detection system is validated. 115. That's the thing with location data based on Wi-Fi routers: It's always changing, so Google and others need a reliable way to keep updating the information. 116. The plant features, plant parameter tuning and optimization, productivity and quality updating are introduced. 117. Description: Assist HR manager to recruitment website updating maintenance, release position, resume, primary screening for inform interview arrangement. 118. When a DocumentCommand executes, it starts by updating the Position corresponding to the caret (the vertical bar cursor bar). 119. Combining and updating the author's two previous definitive books on ELINT, this volume is the indispensable reference for every ELINT professional. 120. Daily updating of our stock list, to allow you a real-time understanding of our latest luxury cars...