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211. On this basis, the range query algorithm and network self-configuration algorithm are given, and the updating strategy of the index is proposed. 212. The response spectra in current chinese seismic design code is expounded and an updating formula of the horizontal seismic coefficient for different damping ratios is discussed. 213. Software installation management describes collectively the activities of installing, uninstalling, updating, and organizing software applications, or packages, on a system. 214. In the postpaid mode, GCM Client displays the time elapsed along with the updating price of the session.http:///updating.html 215. Therefore, with the development of 3D laser imaging technique and its popularization in engineering geology, updating the technique of rock discontinuity investigation is offhanded and soon. 216. Thus, the interface routine of the model updating program and the current finite element analysis softwares is very necessary. 217. Annual fee required for yearly maintenance and updating , 3 years acceptable. 218. This paper focus on forest resource state factors and their changes of lowest division unit and gives a data updating algorithm. 219. Description: Foreign company hosts multiple websites that need routine maintenance and updating. 220. The application developer can focus on business logic and let the service handle the implementation details of updating a persistent data store. 221. Assist with updating the manual and promotional material selections every four months. 222. At present, the development of IC manufactural technology is continuous and the IC design methodology is updating. 223. Facing the reform of construction, this paper starts with concept updating, knowledge updating and technique updating to state how cost engineer to meeting to the competition in construction market. 224. Based on realizing a self-timer system for the digital camera, this paper proposes a motion object detection method of single channel of HSI model based on background updating. 225. System Upgrade: After insert this device, and identified as U disk, click this button for system firmware updating. 226. During the ACO system emulation experiment, many uncertain factors of pheromone updating are found. 227. I was updating the website and came across a quote. 228. Think of your friends as featured on always updating baseball card. 229. We are updating the system to the latest version of BOINC. 230. The reform school students updating ability a poorer performance in executive functions, which showed their executive. 231. The merge process failed while updating the generation values in the internal before - image tables. 232. The image using Gaspar Llamazares'photo appeared on a wanted poster updating the US government's 1998 photo of the al-Qaida leader. 233. In the conclusion, the article gives some aims and policies of promoting the industrial adjustment through updating consumption structure. 234. This method can support share of module level design and share of thin granularity and it's very efficiency for web resources to solve data redundancy, coherency and dynamic updating problems. 235. Access to the latest firmware and IBM value-add software: You get an easy-to-use interface for updating system firmware, as well as access to the latest system firmware. 236. When creating or updating shared memory partitions profiles you can find the option to select the paging VIOS partitions in the memory configuration section. 237. Finally, concluding the contents of former chapters, it raised a updating algorithm of matrix-based association rule. 238. In this paper, the model validation and its relevant issues are discussed with respect to the model updating technique. 239. In particular, nearly every modern processor has instructions for updating shared variables in a way that can either detect or prevent concurrent access from other processors. 240. A conventional stereo echo canceller had to stop updating parameters during the double during the double talk.