快好知 kuaihz

(1) The Heisenberg uncertainty principle tells us that. (2) What Heisenberg claims is that not every event, at the quantum level, is sufficiently caused. (3) I am sure that Einstein, Heisenberg, and Dirac didn't worry about whether they were realists or instrumentalists. (4) Look at Heisenberg, which is part of a real exam question set in June 1992. (5) In an even more pointed joke, Werner Heisenberg was repeatedly paged over the public-address system for two days running. (6) In other words, Heisenberg pointed out that bodies, not detached minds, perform experiments. (7) Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac and Lise Meitner were there. (8) For this reason, historians focus more on Heisenberg body. (9) Complicating things, as usual, is the Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, which puts strict limits on how precisely one can measure the frequency of a single photon. (10) This paper investigates the integrable inhomogeneous generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet model by using the prolongation structure theory. (11) Then Heisenberg patiently, and perhaps a bit patronizingly, demonstrates to Popper the mistake in his thought experiment. (12) Critical temperatures of anisotropic Heisenberg model are calculated by variational - cumulant expansion. (13) Heisenberg Frau Schumacher in the bakery - you remember her? (14) Heisenberg matrix mechanics could hardly be regarded as laws of nature without the fundamental formulation of Dirac. (15) In the two-sublattice model, the Heisenberg exchange interaction Hamiltonian of the simple ferrimagnetic crystal can be made diagonalization by the use of HP, Fourier and Bogoliubov transformation. (16) In fact, Heisenberg′s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation, and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field. (17) Werner Heisenberg advanced a theory of nuclear composition . W. (18) We mainly concentrate on the influence of interchain Heisenberg interaction and interchain DM interaction on system dimerization. (19) Werner Karl Heisenberg proposed that proton and neutron could be seen as two states of a nucleus. (20) A permutation group approach to a one dimensional Heisenberg open spin 12 chain with nearest neighbor interactions is studied. (21) The microscopic quantum world is imprecise; it is the domain of Heisenberg uncertainty. (22) The man with the courage to face up to the issue was Heisenberg. (23) Here's a tool that does not contain all the rate cut, most of the investment bank analysts and met a crisis is to think of the first rate cut, it can not think of Kwanza Heisenberg Paul? (24) There has been much controversy surrounding energy and time uncertainty relation (ETUR) since Heisenberg established it in 1927. (25) The relationship between the level lifetimes and the level widths satisfys the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. (26) The separability criterion of multi-mode continuous variable systems is derived from Heisenberg uncertainty relation and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. (27) The effects of multi-impurity on the entanglement of anisotropic Heisenberg ring XXZ under a homogeneous magnetic field are studied. (28) When writing a microbenchmark to measure the performance of a language primitive like synchronization, you're grappling with the Heisenberg principle. (29) A method of retarded Green function equation of motion is applied to inveti gate the surface spin wave spectrum of Heisenberg ferromagnet. (30) The termless security of B92 quantum cryptographic key protocol is built under the quantum non-clone principle and Heisenberg non-accurate measurement principle.