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bad debts造句
1. The bank set aside £1.1 billion to cover bad debts from business failures. 2. The company was drowned in bad debts. 3. Bad debts are continuing to gnaw away at the bank's profits. 4. Lenders must try and protect themselves against bad debts. 5. The jump follows a big increase in bad debts reported last week by the private banking operations of Lloyds Bank. 6. They point out that corporate bad debts have soared as the economy has slumped. 7. But he believed that the subsequent provisions for bad debts on commercial loans were realistic. 8. Possibly one fifth of their loans are bad debts or some 30 per cent of gross domestic product. 9. Many were fairly standard provisions for bad debts, and so forth. 10. China's financial sector is loaded down with bad debts. 11. Provision for bad debts may be set up on accounts receivable. 12. Provision for bad debts shall be accounted for separately and stated in the balance sheet as a deduction from receivables or loans. 13. For enterprises which have made a provision for bad debts, any amount of bad debt to be written off shall be charged against the provision for bad debts. 14. Allowance for bad debts is estimated that loss of time, the formation of bad debts. 15. The bank expects to lose £703 million of last year's profits as a result of bad debts. 16. Small businesses are advised to make adequate provisions against bad debts. 17. The survey bore out recent observations that smaller companies were bearing the brunt of bad debts and late payment. 18. Firstly, there is no reason why the purchaser should pay for items which eventually materialise into bad debts. 19. Unfortunately most of the extra cash grabbed was swallowed up by bad debts. 20. The Royal Bank has suffered a slide in profits to £20.9 million from £57.7 million and has seen bad debts soar. 21. In the event the anticipated collapse of the first genetic engineering company amid a pile of bad debts did not come about. 22. The group made a £597m charge to cover possible bad debts. 23. The previous year, when profits were just £36 million, bad debts totalled £903 million. 24. Only 35 percent of the companies in the survey used credit insurance to secure themselves against bad debts. 25. The setting up of an Assets Management Corporation to consolidate bad debts transferred from commercial banks would only prop up the rich. 26. Of the top 19 banks, 13 are expected to make losses this year as they write off bad debts. 27. Most large societies have also made heavy provisions against bad debts. 28. And we several major state-owned banks held assets of U. S. financial institutions is far more than a Lehman Brothers, after provision for bad debts will be more. 29. They ought to confirm present balance of provision for bad debts by different means, and meanwhile, consider present balance and adjust... 30. Enterprises with foreign investment shall charge losses arising from bad debts to general and administrative expenses.