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31. Macroevolution studies how taxonomic groups above the level ofspecies change. 32. The research on molecular systematics of Phoridae has been focused on phylogenetic analysis of highlevel taxa, taxonomic identification and identification of cryptic species. 33. This topology suggests that Maristentor is a holotrichous ciliate(the class Heterotrichea)and should not be placed in the family Stentoridae, but be given a new taxonomic position. 34. A three-part taxonomic designation indicating genus, species, and subspecies or variety, such as Brassica oleracea botrytis, the cauliflower. 35. This paper summarizes taxonomic changes of the intestinal spirochetes and provides a brief description of undergoing changes from the genus Treponema, Serpulina to the new genus Brachyspira. 36. A quantitative study on flower taxonomic characters of Populus tomentosa. 37. Taxonomic species are defined on phenetic discontinuities[Sentence dictionary], not on interfertility. 38. The systematics and classification of the Acari are still controversial, especially the taxonomic rank of the taxa above order. 39. Taxonomic study on the genus Laurocerasus Tourn. ex Duh. of China. 40. Teratological variations of stamen in Lawiella chinensis Chao in relation to the taxonomic position of the genus. 41. On the taxonomic position of the family Nymphalidae, approbatory Nymphalidae by foreign scholars includes the families Satyridae, Amathusiidae and Acraeidae and so on according to Chinese scholars. 42. The taxonomic significance of the foregut armature of 6 species of grasshoppers belonging to 4 genera (Catantopidae) has been studied using the stereo microphotograph with 7 illustrations. 43. Then Kuhn fall back on linguistic analysis and advise a taxonomic interpretation of his controversial notion of incommensurability. That is called Kuhn's "Linguistic Turn". 44. Conclusion It has great significance of nucleus and cell organelle as taxonomic character of Squamate lizard in the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis of Takydromus septentrionalis. 45. Therefore, pollen morphology has taxonomic significance for the generic segregation of Piperaceae. 46. Biology A scientific name of an organism or of a taxonomic group that has been superseded by another name at the same rank. 47. It falls outside the scope of the formal taxonomic categories. 48. Biosystematics : The area of systematics in which experimental taxonomic techniques are applied to investigate he relationships between taxa. 49. According to the taxonomic system of Chen Bang-jie, there are 171 species of Dicranaceae plants, 31 genera belonging to 6 subfamilies in China. 50. The results are as follows:the pollen morphology is characteristic of Spiraea L. in support of the genus and each class of the under genus for classic Taxonomic. 51. The temptation to recognize apomictic microspecies ( agamospecies ) as taxonomic species is far greater. 52. A taxonomic study of the genus Salix L. in Guangxi and it adjacent region. 53. Finally, the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among the six genera and the important genotypes of the genus Citrus were discussed in details. 54. Objective To elucidate the taxonomic position of Eurytrema coelmaticum by using molecular technology. 55. The highest taxonomic category, consisting of one or more related classes, and corresponding approximately to a phylum in zoological classification. 56. Rosewood is "taxonomic tree of China, " classified as "red sandalwood is a leguminous plant, about fifteen. 57. The taxonomic studies on Xinjiang Ferula and its close genera. 58. Objective : To study the application and value of genitalia in taxonomic examination of Chinese Culex mosquitoes. 59. A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns. 60. The above results will provide scientific basis not only for establishment of natural taxonomic system of Tulipa L. , but also for domestication and hybridization of this genus in China.