mentally ill造句(61) Unlike many of the mentally ill, epileptics often have quite a bit of insight into their problem.
(62) People who were mentally ill were left to take care of themselves on the streets.
(63) This hospital specializes in treating the mentally ill.
(64) Mentally ill criminal is committed to special establishment.
(65) Male nurses are often employed for the mentally ill.
(66) Memory is often faulty among the mentally ill.
(67) On an average day, it holds 1,500 to 1,700 inmates who are severely mentally ill, most of them detained on minor charges, essentially for being public nuisances.
(68) Fire gutted a Missouri home for the elderly and mentally ill Monday morning.
(69) Beside the people live in the street or in a car, I find a lot the mentally ill people on the street.
(70) The Greek Orthodox Church forbids funeral services for suicides unless the deceased was mentally ill.
(71) The Scoop: Martin Scorsese's adaptation of the 2003 best-selling crime thriller novel by the same name tells the frightening story of two men trapped in a prison for the mentally ill in 1950s America.
(72) Solicitor: Do you consider Ms mentally could be mentally ill?
(73) Can a mentally ill person do drug trafficking in a foreign country?
(74) Local media tersely reported the news, describing the attacker as mentally ill.
(75) I remembered that list of movies Tony said he plagiarised to demonstrate he was mentally ill.
(76) Policeman: Has the child an altercation with a drunken or mentally ill member of his family?
(77) The call, made in a letter sent last week to the university's board of regents, centres on a 2004 clinical trial in which Dan Markingson, a mentally ill man, committed suicide.
(78) In all, one - fourth of all state prison beds are occupied by the mentally ill.
(79) Five are and the added fivesome hit been officially diagnosed as mentally ill.
(80) It is plausibly deniable , and if the target complains, the target risks being diagnosed as mentally ill.
(81) When other patrons have complained about the disturbances caused by mentally ill or drug addicted patrons, all the library could do was call its officer, a full-time city police sergeant.
(82) Reliable data are needed to inform public-health policy and to prevent potentially unwarranted stigmatization of mentally ill people.
(83) The mentally ill tend to be relegated to slapstick sub - plots, alongside a central love story.
(84) After Akmal Shaikh, the mentally ill man, is executed tomorrow – you are on short rations for a year!
(85) Thomas filed for legal separation alleging that she was mentally ill.