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bowel movement造句
1. Q: I have a bowel movement once a week. 2. The rocking also helps with blood circulation and bowel movement and with preventing calcium deposits and stones. 3. Describe in detail your last bowel movement, leaving out nothing. 4. How often an individual has a bowel movement is related to a number of factors. 5. I have irregular bowel movement. 6. How about your bowel movement? 7. Henceforth, the abundant bowel movement started his magnificence. 8. Have you had a bowel movement today? 9. I haven't had bowel movement for a week. 10. Did you have a bowel movement today? 11. He had a bowel movement. 12. I have a irregular bowel movement. 13. Is your bowel movement regular? 14. Defecation ( or Bowel movement ): Elimination of feces from the digestive tract. 15. The aloe has functions and so on refrigeration bowel movement, disintoxicating, health care, cosmetology, clean blood. 16. Brought the thought a bowel movement of new period to put. 17. A can of an artist's bowel movement labeled "100% Pure Artist's Shit." Anti-art is a far cry from something purely beautiful like the Sistine Chapel. 18. One typical half-pound bowel movement contains 300 kilocalories of energy when incinerated in a bomb calorimeter. 19. After the fire exterminated itself, I flushed the ashes down the toilet after a not-inconsiderable bowel movement. 20. Although it isn't necessary for a person to have a bowel movement every day, regular movements should be encouraged. 21. Some patients may have recorded an episode of faecal incontinence as a bowel movement, before the beginning of retraining. 22. The laxative dose was gradually decreased after two to three months to a dose that maintained one bowel movement daily. 23. Did you know it took almost 45 minutes for Apollo astronauts to make a bowel movement because their "waste management system" was a plastic bag they had to tape to their butt in zero-gravity? 24. Strawberry still is contained pectic with rich prandial fiber, can help have a bowel movement of aid digestion, unobstructed. 25. Objective To evaluate the effect of quantified diet guidance on postoperative bowel movement of hemorrhoid patients. 26. Maintains the high textile fiber diet, favors the blood sugar the drop and bowel movement unobstructed. 27. Still put likewise inside colon stay have have a bowel movement. 28. Mr. Leo, can you tell me the color of your last bowel movement? 29. Stress - too much stress and tension will affect the body's normal functioning and hinder bowel movement. 30. His wife found him, summoned Emergency Medical Services, and reported that he had developed diaphoresis, dyspnea, and lightheadedness after a bowel movement.