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211. When designing and developing an agent that executes on a large scale production system, review the processing involved when a request initiates an agent that executes on an HTTP server. 212. There are also no mechanisms in REST/HTTP for message routing outside the basic HTTP proxy mechanisms. 213. Also, note that the applicatoin server in both the HTTP requests acted simply as a go-between for the client and the database -- no data was manipulated in the interchange. 214. Verify that HTTP is set to Automatic, and click Next. 215. Latency impact - many commercial WAF appliances can be deployed out-of-line in a sniffing mode which provides access and visibility to HTTP transactions without impacting the latency by being inline. 216. Once it has its grips on the system, it proceeds to create an HTTP server and download malware onto the computer from hacker web sites. 217. For example, http://localhost:8081/ returns whatever index file you provide there. 218. While some sites use SNMP or HTTP for these operations, it's far more common to use a console or in-band telnet session to obtain this information. 219. The Hypertext Transfer tocol (HTTP) is an application-level tocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. 220. The HTTP load mode supports the 1.0 Version of HTTP Protocol. 221. You'll probably be able to find at least a few possibilities in English-language directories, such as the Radio Locator at http://www.radio-locator.com/. 222. One is hypertext transfer protocol, or HTTP, which establishes specifications for linking documents. 223. Next, you install a dev version from the fresh-start repository at http://dist.pinaxproject.com to get the development version of Pinax version 0.9a2.dev1017. 224. Everything you store in the HTTP session must implement the java.io.Serializable interface, as the example does with the TwitterStatus class. 225. Every resource can be obtained and manipulated through the HTTP uniform interface, and the system allows for simple layering and caching through the traditional methods that are used by the WWW. 226. The wire format of the event has two parts: an HTTP request header and the event payload (which is the event connector packet). 227. The Call Forwarding sample has both HTTP and SIP servlets, which is what makes it a converged application. 228. The best approach for message numbering for the architecture proposed is to combine the HTTP session-identifier with the timestamp of the point in time the message was submitted. 229. JSON reduces the HTTP traffic by introducing a new format for interchanging data between server and client applications. 230. A request arrives at the server in some manner, which might be through a network protocol (such as HTTP, FTP, or POP), through a JMS queue, or perhaps by polling a database. 231. In response to a request, it sends a standard HTTP response header, collects readings from the relevant pins, and sends the data package in text format. 232. The proxy server port in a run an HTTP proxy. 233. It takes the form of a stand-alone computer program connected to a back-end monitoring service, and can be downloaded at http://bit.ly/hgo0C5. 234. You can use SOAP in combination with the HTTP request method POST. In order to send a SOAP HTTP request, you need to supply a SOAPAction header field in HTTP. 235. To verify the HTTP installation, start the HTTP server service and navigate to the http:/// test page. 236. You can start message flow development much more easily, especially for SOAP/HTTP processing. 237. WSDL 2.0 is an XML language with the core namespace http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl. 238. "HTTP/" plus the fully qualified domain name for the hostname. 239. Results for HTTP put and delete actions now appear in the Test tab of the Package Assembly Tool. 240. In the HTTP Proxy address field, enter the host name or IP address of a reverse proxy or application server to forward authenticated traffic.