快好知 kuaihz

1. He is enjoying recounting this story. 2. Recounting the matter in present time-without being returned-the patient is using all the intervening years as buffers against the painful emotion. 3. Again, the atmosphere is friendly with everyone recounting the day's activities whilst making new friends and meeting old adversaries. 4. Mandisa alternates between recounting the events on the day of the crime and remembering the past in a series of flashbacks. 5. What is so bad in recounting our experiences, cultures, dreams and visions in our own anecdotal fashion? 6. He mentioned the goal but I don't remember recounting how it took happened. 7. Here Jock is recounting a moment in his moral career. 8. Resnick has written two books recounting Simpsons alleged mistreatment of his wife, who believed that he eventually would kill her. 9. I spend a lot of time recounting tales of woe from friends and readers, but this one is my own. 10. His endless recounting of the incident eventually became unbearable. 11. I would answer it by recounting the following legend. 12. I feel a little bIt'sick just recounting them. 13. If they are recounting them put them in auditing. 14. JOANEL PIERRE, an 18-year-old Haitian shipwreck survivor, recounting the crash of a Haitian sailboat bound for Turks and Caicos, leaving 70 of the 200 passengers missing and 15 dead. 15. He thoroughly enjoyed recounting his adventures to the newspaper reporters. 16. In their narrative structure, the individual recounting takes place of the grandly recounting. 17. Most old people are fond of recounting the experiences of the early days. 18. Exclamatory mark resembles a heavy small horn, recounting the affection course that the hero has taken. 19. Stewart, with Tom Braden, was assigned to write a series of articles recounting episodes of 055 derring-do during the war. 20. It featured a series of comedy skits and a half-dozen songs, all loosely recounting the colonial experience. 21. Later we stretched out on the long benches of the White Horse Farm, comparing our bruises and recounting our 30-mile epic. 22. As they talked together, I was distressed to hear them recounting episodes of racial strife that they had seen. 23. Mandylor, also a writer, wears black fingerless gloves and broods magnificently while recounting stories of orgiastic dances in St-Tropez. 24. Later these two disciples themselves also confirmed the authorship of Moses when recounting what had happened to them. 25. She even served as tour guide, pointing out landmarks and recounting local history. 26. Now, in a rhythmic, singsong voice, he spoke to his people in Arabic, recounting their hopes for the peace process and reaffirming the legitimacy of their aspirations. 27. The rugged bricks found in fault lines in the yellow earth are silently recounting history.http:// 28. For example, rather than just telling us "I am an adventurous person, " why not show us your adventurous spirit by recounting your latest adventure with colorful details and descriptive language. 29. That evening, all the men around on the deck recounting the day's triumph. 30. On December 12th, the Federal Supreme Judicial Court made the judgment by the voting result of 5:4 to overturn the decision of continuing the manual recounting made by Florida Supreme Court.