快好知 kuaihz

1. When the offer ends the rate is 12.9 APR. 2. That is not so. APR is not the instant answer to credit choice problems. 3. And people say that the APR is the most important piece of information about credit terms for them. 4. Obtained the APR - 2 antiserum from rabbits. 5. On the contrary , that of APR was success. 6. An agreement was reached on Apr. 27. 7. You should pay attention to the APR on the credit card that you plan to place your balance transfer . 8. The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal, fine, fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata. 9. Alcohol aversion differs across Asian groups. MiNDFOOD. Apr. 24, 2008. 10. Objective To investigate the long term therapeutic effects of low anterior resection (LAR) and abdominoperineal resection (APR) on middle or lower rectal cancer. 11. Methods From Sep. 2003 to Apr .2006,5 patients underwent laparoscopic and colonoscopic left hemi - colectomy. 12. Habitat and ecology: In secondary forests. Flowering: Apr . - May; fruiting: Jun. - Jul. 13. The actual APR applicable may differ from the APRs as stated above. 14. An Inconel exhaust manifold and an APR stainless steel exhaust system ensure efficient flow - through. 15. Une heure apr è s, ils marchaient cote à cote sur la grand - route. 16. The relativestandard deviation of 17 measurements performed during Apr .1975 to Aug.1978 is ±0.32 %. 17. On Apr 1956, the World Peace Council granted him with International Peace Prize for 1955 followed with an awarding ceremony in September. 18. On Apr. 1, 2008, he and five other WCS employees joined Panthera, with ambitious goals. 19. The interest rate on my credit card is currently 25.5% APR. 20. It's generally cheaper to steer clear of garage manufacturers' own hire purchase schemes unless the quoted APR is unusually low. 21. But it does shift some people's choices quite sharply in the direction of lower total cost or lower APR. 22. Borrowers wanting to transfer debts to the egg credit card would pay 2.5 APR on all transfers before January 31, 2001. 23. Cahoot, Abbey National's online arm, comes top of the heap with a very modest 8 per cent APR. 24. The lender recently launched a card at a low introductory offer of 3.9 APR after its takeover of Bank One. 25. Habitat and ecology: In valleys or in thickets. Flowering: Mar. - Apr. 26. Using 59 good quality observation data from IGS tracking station, this paper analyses the result of TEC that is caused by X5. 7 solar flare on Jul. 14 2000 and X14. 4 solar flare on Apr . 15, 2001. 27. Habitat and Ecology: On shade places under forest . Flowering: Apr - Oct. 28. Schools now receive an academic progress rate , or APR , from the National Collegiate Athletic Association. 28.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 29. HAOSHA ( Ou Lu Sutra ) fitness club, Start in Apr .2002. 30. Habitat and ecology : On sandy beaches. Flowering : January; fruiting: Apr.