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31. Balance transfer arbitrage. If you have good credit and are disciplined, use all those 0% APR balance transfer credit cards to your advantage. 32. On Apr . 30th, 2004: Meeting to mourn for the famous philosopher and professor of Department of Philosophy, PKU Mr. 33. On Apr, 20 , 2005, the Fourth Anniversary of MSTC in Nankai University started in due form. 34. Objective To study the inhibitory effect of new retinoid 4 acetamidophenyl retinoate (4 APR) on the reconstituted basement membrane invasion by B16 F10 mouse melanoma cells and its mechanism. 35. Official Name : The Republic of Maldives ( formerly called Maldives Islands, renamed Maldives in Apr. 1969 ). 36. ERICH ORIGEN: "His ideas infect others, eliminate him immediately! Then backdate a charge on his credit card and raise his APR by seventy percent!" 37. The civil engineer shall arrive at site in the first week of Apr. 38. In an Apr. 6 note to investors, Citigroup (C) analysts Mark Mahaney and Brent Thill wrote that they would consider $34 a "reasonable" offer. 39. Firstdirect, Midland Bank's telephone banking offshoot, has cut its Visa card rate to APR 22.2%. 40. People enjoy a beer beer garden in Munich , Germany , Apr. 12 , 2007. 41. Habitat and ecology: In thickets on hillslopes. Flowering: Apr . - May; fruiting: Oct. 42. The result shows that there exist cycles of 2-7ys, 10a and 30a in precipitation of annual, Apr. -Jun. and Jul. 43. This paper introduced 4 kinds of APR testing technologies with OMNI valve. 44. On Apr. 29,1991, the People's Assembly approved the "major constitutional Provisions", to decide changing the name the "People's Socialist Republic of Albania" into the "Republic of Albania". 45. ScienceDaily (Apr. 13, 2010) — In focal epilepsy, seizures are generated by a localized, synchronous neuronal electrical discharge that may spread to large portions of the brain. 46. The objective here would be to have all the person's outstanding debt payable to one credit card company and at a 0% APR rate. 47. Methods Clinical data of ten cases with anal stenosis in our hospital from Apr. 2005 to Feb. 2008 treated with transferation flap anoplasty were retrospectively analyzed. 48. A professor from The University of Alberta, Canada lectured, Apr . 21, 1998. 49. Habitat and Ecology: In lowland thick forest and on wet places. Flowering: Apr. - Jun. 50. Objective To evaluate the relationship between IL-6 and the acute phase response (APR) in hemodialysis patients. 51. Detected the existence of APR - 2 through the method of Western - blot . 52. The peak value occured in Apr. to Aug. which was 62.4 % - 96.5 % of the annual amount. 53. The apr gene was expressed in E . coli BL 21 and showed its activities of protease. 54. MethodsIn 2005, My department operated on 20 Rectal Cancer examples for PANP and TME, including male 12 examples, female 8 examples, LAR 12 examples and APR 8 examples. 55. Aim To study the protective effect of fructose-1,6-diphosphate (FDP) on adriamycin (APR)-induced myocardial damage. 56. On Apr. 24 th, the celebration of the 106 th anniversary of Peking University was held in PKU.