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61. Rather than a benevolent "socialist" super power China, whose population is made up over 90% Han Chinese, will bestride the world as a racially homogeneous, and communalistic "Middle Kingdom. 62. Black leaders and organizations should have quickly condemned the racially motivated Pennsylvania shootings. 63. Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky Though from a poor black family, he went on to become arguably1 the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time. 64. Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky. 65. Whereas many other southern American cities were racially segregated, New Orleans was a true melting pot. 66. They are formal, reserved , have no feelings and consider themselves racially and culturally superior to foreigners. 67. President Clinton wants to know if the fires are racially motivated. 68. Mr. Obama is the first president since Richard M. Nixon to be elected while living in a city neighborhood, in his case, Chicago's racially and economically diverse Hyde Park. 69. Australia had a racially segregated labour policy, whereby non-white worked in conditions that would ( or could) not be tolerated by whites - e.g. hard labour in the tropics and pearl diving. 70. An Iranian woman and her child were racially taunted by youths on a bus. 71. But many universities are convinced that racial preferences ("affirmative action") are necessary to diversify the intake, both racially and sociologically. 72. A teenage Chinese witness to a racially motivated assault is being driven to the police station. A quiet reminder of the dangers of inter-communal suspicion and conflict. 73. Skip the off-color or "racially targeted" jokes, Griffen said. And be careful about sensitive subjects such as politics and religion. 74. A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter, but an appellate court overturned the convictions. 75. Now, according to the police, the murders were racially motivated. 76. The 1992 Los Angeles riots sprang from the verdict of a racially - charged court case.