快好知 kuaihz

31. San Martin, with whom Guevara is compared by some, led his racially and culturally diverse army with much greater sensibility. 32. I make it clear that there should be no place for racially motivated attacks in our country. 33. On third Reading, he moved a second amendment to make racially discriminatory behaviour by the police a specific disciplinary offence. 34. None the less, there is probably no major public university campus quite as racially and ethnically diverse as Cal. 34.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 35. Situated in an area of falling population and high unemployment, the school has a racially mixed intake. 36. A better idea is to forget such racially minded solutions altogether. 37. Willie Brown isn't perfect, I know that, but some of the attacks are racially motivated. 38. To a large extent, these racially motivated attacks will be random, spontaneous and unorganized. 39. Thus, a recent survey of the Metropolitan Police suggested that the culture of the police was pervaded by racially abusive talk. 40. In New York a series of events caused blacks to mobilize against racially motivated violence and exacerbated race relations in the city. 41. But the racially excluded, the economically disinherited, and the psychologically wounded certainly do. 42. Perhaps not surprisingly given this, they believed that crime against them was racially motivated. 43. In all likelihood, the racially polarized vote will reinforce Mississippi's negative image far beyond its borders. 44. She taught in a racially mixed school and was at pains to correct simple stereotypes and unthinking prejudices. 45. His achievement of only 7 percent of the vote was widely seen as a decisive rejection of his racially oriented campaign. 46. Even today Southern states are seen as being more racially prejudiced than other states. 47. More recently the focus has been on literature which might be thought of as racially damaging. 48. Nor do boards have the discretion to reject texts based on racially discriminatory motives. 49. Some students at Andress High School said the fight was racially motivated. 50. In this, the Supreme Court is right on the nose. Racially segregated districts are constitutionally wrong. 51. These reforms will abolish racially discriminatory laws. 52. Racially, the two nations are the same. 53. Humberside Police later found a website racially inflammatory material. 54. The study was based on interviews with a racially and ethnically diverse group of sixty-one girls from Boston's poorest neighborhoods, all with histories of intimate-partner violence. 55. Expatriate Chinese also fled neighbouring Solomon Islands in large numbers after racially - charged disturbances in 2006. 56. There are no indications that the killings were racially motivated. 57. One site added that John Terry had racially insulted Samuel Eto ` o in 2004. 58. The government is using busing in an attempt to achieve racial balance in public schools, especially in racially segregated areas. 59. Soon the video became a major campaign issue, as Allen had to fend off charges that the word "macaca," which is a genus of primate, was used in a racially derogatory way. 60. He's also been criticized for usually ( using ) racially charged language during a recent speech.