快好知 kuaihz

1. You'd wed your daughter to a stinking Viking! 2. At the home bases of Viking raiding parties? 3. There is very little evidence for Viking slave-raiding and slave-trading among the peasant population. 4. This was the Viking, and he had laid claim to all that was truly his. 5. Odd-Knut had a Viking shock of blond hair, but little other resemblance to the Hollywood Norseman. 6. One platform in the Viking field has already been turned into an unmanned unit. 7. Two previous Viking landing sites, and now the Pathfinder site at Ares Vallis, all seem to have the same soil. 8. Viking was gently warped into the landing place where she was soon securely moored with her bow overhanging the rocks. 9. Integration was a Viking way of life; usually by force, rather than by persuasion. 10. At Louis's side, he saw how to meet Viking attacks by diplomacy and a mixture of force and guile. 11. The atmosphere itself, as analyzed by the Viking landers, is a treasure trove of seemingly paradoxical features. 12. Viking justice hadn't been renowned for its leniency, she recollected. 13. She'd never have suspected the Viking of possessing culinary skills. 14. Bradford Mustad Viking Jack Ferguson was next with four bream for 10-13-0 on maggot feeder, again fished well out. 15. The excavation of the Viking site at York was so important, though, that the development plans were changed. 16. Such an arrangement works well at the Viking Centre in York. 17. Recently Viking Mbus modules, Sparcstation 10 memory and 500 Sparc 2 boards have gone missing from the warehouse. 18. Viking rustled on down the moon track under a star-studded canopy. 19. Boats so essential to Viking power and influence are the subject of the introductory section. 20. On March 16, a front-page article in the Transcript reported that an explosion on the seal steamer Viking had killed twenty-five. 21. The idea might seem silly nowadays, but it scared the life out of even the most blood-thirsty Viking warrior. 22. Perhaps it would be wise to pander a little to his whims since it seemed he was prone to these Viking tendencies. 23. Thrilled, Barlow scanned computer data on 42, 283 Martian craters photographed by the Viking Orbiter since the mid-1970s. 24. As part of the bicentennial festivities of the United States, two Viking spacecraft were landed on Mars in 1976. 25. Its apples, for now, are in the Texas camp, after expending considerable resources on the Viking project. 26. Charles has actually planned a route across the Martian south pole using photographs taken by the Viking and Mariner probes. 27. Ironically she felt a tiny pang of regret for the long Viking locks, though she couldn't have said why. 28. It uses high-speed, state-of-the-art packet switching techniques incorporated into the cache controller for symmetrically connecting over 64 Viking CPUs. 29. Then, because of their geographical position, they were seriously weakened by the Viking onslaught down the east coast. 30. First of all the radar signal was received and retransmitted by the Viking Lander sitting on the Martian surface.