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61. There'll also be Celtic tales around a bonfire with (ahem) Gordon the Viking, a check on Nessie, a nose around Eilean Donan castle, and a boat trip to watch seals. 62. Berserk refers to an Old Norse word used to describe the Viking warriors. 63. Usually used as a Viking troop carrier . These ships carry Scandinavian raiding parties across Europe. 64. Recently, he completed his rigorous and evenhanded biography, "Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention" (Viking; $30), but, in an echo of his subject's fate, he died on the eve of publication. 65. Later, two Viking robot Landers on Mars confirmed his grim analysis. 66. Mark Van Doren, in assembling the Viking Portable Emerson back in 1946, leaned heavily upon "English Traits" and the short biographies and omitted many of the relatively youthful philosophical essays. 67. Sir Walter Scott began using the word in the 1822 in his book The Pirate, more than one thousand years after the Viking invasions. 68. The ultimate postmortem destination for Viking warriors was Valhalla, or "Odin's Hall", made famous in the Old Norse sagas. 69. Mars Pathfinder and Rover: First spacecraft to land on Mars since the Viking 1976 missions. 70. The specific root viking reappears in the 11th century in Old Norse, with a different emphasis. 71. The animal threatens to munch through thousands of Viking vessels and other historic shipwrecks, scientists warn. 72. Descended from the Viking raiders who settled in Northern France under the leadership of Rollo in around 911, the Normans were amongst the most feared warriors of their time. 73. The photo released by the Oceanic Viking carried a headline alleging a mother minke whale and her calf were taken by Japanese whalers . 74. The only motive to devote myself to study Nepenthes viking in habitat is curiosity. Its existence is quite interesting as well as its amazing pitcher shape. 75. The species is popularly known as "Nepenthes viking" after the resemblance the pitchers bear to the prow of a Viking ship. 76. And even Rushdie's publisher, Viking Penguin, was forced to temporarily close its New York City office to improve security. 77. Viking : Either of two unmanned U.S. spacecraft launched by NASA in 1975. 78. These most important events are Anglos - Saxons'invasion; The Viking and Danish Invasions and The Norman Conquest. 79. The Viking 1 landed on the Mars on July 20 th. 80. I had learned that mixtures for growing Vikings are most crucial. People believed Viking liked soil or sand because they came from the Island, so they used mainly soil or sea sand to make the mixture. 81. Rollo (c. 860 - c. 932) was the founder and first ruler of the Viking principality in what soon became known as Normandy. 82. This icosahedron was created from a mosaic of images taken by the Viking spacecrafts. 83. Later you can add a Missile Turret at each chokepoint, after you’ve built an Engineering Bay and your Viking attack group (see the next step) is out in the field wreaking havoc. 84. Nepenthes Viking. Grade A Viking represents the real picture of this species which is very unique. Let me emphasise here. Not only the unique shape, but also the unique colour of Viking's pitchers. 85. These most important events are The Anglos - Saxons'invasion; Viking and Danish Invasions and The Norman Conquest.