on probation造句1) The prisoner was put on probation .
2) He was placed on probation for two years.
3) The thief was put on probation for two years.
4) The judge put him on probation for two years.
5) He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.
6) The judge put her on probation for a year.
7) Gene's on probation this semester.
8) Some people are appointed on probation.
9) A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.
10) She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years.
11) His request to be release on probation has not been sustained .
12) The job holder will be on probation for the space of six months.
13) All new employees are on probation for nine months.
14) He was put on probation for two years.
15) Today he was placed on probation for two years.
16) A judge put Mrs Soon on probation.
17) The nine suggested Lobanov be put on probation -- and fired if things did not improve.
18) He is now on probation,[http:///on probation.html] living in a boarding house in another part of the town since his arrest.
19) Irvin is on probation after pleading no contest in July to a felony charge of cocaine possession.
20) Most of those were placed on probation and continued to practice while they completed therapy themselves.
21) He put her on probation for three years on condition she remained an in-patient at a psychiatric hospital.
22) The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year.
23) The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.
24) He served a year in prison and was then let out on probation.
25) I'm afraid I have no choice but to put you on probation .
26) The most publicized was Nebraska running back Lawrence Phillips, who is on probation after assaulting a former girlfriend.
27) Gary DeHart, two-time series champion Terry Labonte's crew chief, also was fined and placed on probation in Daytona.
28) A fish rustler was recently before magistrates in Blackpool and put on probation.
29) Anthony Ganguly continued the deception when he appeared before Teesside magistrates and was placed on probation.
30) Civil servants can be appointed for life, for a limited period or on probation.