快好知 kuaihz

1. She discovered a web of intrigue in the company. 2. They spiced their conversations and discussions with intrigue. 3. The royal palace was filled with intrigue. 4. What they could not take by political intrigue they took by 'gunboat diplomacy' . 5. He never dirtied his hands with political intrigue. 6. The palace was a nest of intrigue. 7. He found himself snared in a web of intrigue. 8. This is a novel of intrigue. 9. She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue. 10. Fairy tales can intrigue most children. 11. It's an exciting story of political intrigue and murder. 12. North was a man who added to the intrigue of meetings. 13. The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world. 14. His relationships were full of intrigue and conflict. 15. Silver is caught in a web of political intrigue. 16. Gripping Romantic Suspense novel of international intrigue. 17. Deception and intrigue add interest to an otherwise boring and static work environment. 18. Mr Serra's abrasive personality and taste for political intrigue have made him many enemies. 19. It might be short on intrigue and backstabbing but it would move at a cracking pace. 20. Terror and danger in the world of intrigue and espionage. 21. His ingenuity and artistry never ceased to intrigue the others. 22. Manipulation, propaganda, prejudice and political intrigue are often their province. 23. There are other elements such as national politics, local politics, intrigue, financial struggles and personalities aplenty. 24. One of our interviews with a manager in a high slack company illustrates the functionality of political intrigue. 25. I am about to have my first encounter with the sort of backstabbing and intrigue for which investment bankers are Justifiably renowned. 26. There have been many with consuming interest for golf who never developed an intrigue for putting. 27. Joe was ideal to have around in a command beset by political intrigue. 28. His is a temperament well calculated to flatter and intrigue readers in the early teens and to draw them into vicarious adventure. 29. The success of the book was heightened by the intrigue that surrounded it. 30. Given the tone of our conversation and the weather, an entire nexus of unspoken intrigue suddenly surrounded me.