all night long造句31. All night long, as I heard the unique and spooky sounds, I phased in and out of sleep.
32. No more lamp all night long, or neighbors dropping by.
33. All night long the ambulances were busy gathering in the sheaves of this fearful harvest.
34. Hombre, there are bodegas open all night long.
35. The water tap drips all night long.
36. The water tap dri all night long.
37. And unfortunately, many people who have RLS also have trouble controlling sudden limb movements, which can occur every 20 to 30 seconds all night long -- a major sleep disrupter.
38. If you're the designated driver, or just abstaining, here's a non-alcoholic drink you could sip all night long: seltzer water mixed with a bit of 100 percent fruit juice.
39. All night long Romulus sat alone on the summit of the Palatine.
40. So, avoiding sleeping with a night-light, not falling asleep with the bedroom TV on all night long, and perhaps using dark curtains to block out street light might be a good idea.
41. He's been doing nothing all night long but adhering to take me upstairs and throwing me down the elevator shaft!
42. Just the day I boned this girl all night long.
43. On these long December nights, the constellation Auriga the Charioteer rides through the sky all night long.
44. The nightclub played such great vibes that everyone was up and danced all night long.
45. All night long, the Arch - angel combated with the Demon.