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on the ground造句
121. She would never have disowned any one on the ground of poverty. 122. A forecaster says the funnel was on the ground for a matter of minutes. 123. He grabbed the ball and fell on the ground hugging it. 124. Large new souvenir shop, antique and ephemera sales on the ground floor. 125. Angel wings broken. fell on the ground has become Satan's sad. 126. After that, in order to buy them on the ground tarpaulin, from Zouping to Zibo car. 127. Small dandelion looked to this land, beach several reed hung head, listlessly prostrate on the ground. 128. So he sax on the ground, unwilling to get up yet embarrassed to remain there. 129. Screamers were developed to neutralize the war on the ground. 130. He placed his pack on the ground and stalked them as a cat stalks a sparrow. 131. These particles settle on the ground and in the water are eventually eaten by microscopic organisms. 132. Go up to rotate simply on the ground personally, turn, cut bamboo shoot one knife. 133. Sasae Weaver cattle days, on the ground, but I and Seoul. 134. On the ground state potential energy surface , a conical intersection produces the geometric phase effect. 135. The printing press was set up on the ground floor. 136. Hansel and Gretal lay down on the ground and fell fast asleep. 137. The tip truck dumped tons of sand and stone on the ground. 138. Each patch antenna element is excited by two slots on the ground plane placed perpendicularly. 139. Fearlessly, Jim laced into his attackers, and soon they all lay unconscious on the ground. 140. Amaranthine cane, climb on the ground, greenery grows on the cane, subterranean knot muskmelon. 141. Other grain was piled on the ground where it quickly rotted. 142. An entranced person was lying on the ground, babbling to himself. 143. My son had a tantrum and banged his fist on the ground. 144. The sewer is silted up by foulness, and the waste water is everywhere on the ground. 145. He pointed to chronic overcrowding, unsanitary cells, dirty lavatories, broken showers and mattresses on the ground. 146. When the airship was on the ground these bags were empty. 147. It's on the ground floor ? behind the reception desk. 148. We have concentrated on the ground electronic states of diatomic molecules. 149. The taraxacum wantonly expressed their smiles, like the coloured buttons on the ground. 150. American warbler; builds a dome - shaped nest on the ground.