快好知 kuaihz

1 The novel was criticized for its two-dimensional characters . 2 A square is two-dimensional and a cube is three-dimensional. 3 I found the characters very two-dimensional, not to say dull. 4 Think of the two-dimensional rubber balloon universe. 5 Figure 21.5 shows its distribution in a two-dimensional wake. 6 Watching something two-dimensional gradually turn into something three-dimensional. 7 It appeared to be an old two-dimensional film presentation; an old fashioned oil-driven military vehicle was speeding across a verdant green field. 8 Figure 3.1 shows one two-dimensional surface, a spherical surface; and Fig. 3.2 shows another,[www.] a cylindrical surface. 9 To see why, think of the two-dimensional rubber balloon universe with pebbles stuck to it to represent the galaxies. 10 In the case of a two-dimensional spherical surface it would simply reproduce the sphere. 11 These options include drawing and painting skills, two-dimensional design, ceramics, fabric crafts, and fashion. 12 It dutifully underscores the mosaic imagery of flat, two-dimensional space and silhouetted figures. 13 This relation generalizes for all two-dimensional surfaces to become where K is again the Gaussian curvature. 14 The convention of indicating three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional medium by various forms of shading and hatching. 15 Its relationship both to the Gaussian curvature of two-dimensional surfaces and to tidal forces is discussed. 16 These two-dimensional planes cutting through nine-dimensional genetic space give some feeling for what it means to walk through Biomorph Land. 17 For example, two-dimensional animals living on a one-dimensional earth would have to climb over each other in order to get past each other. 18 One simple measurement reveals whether a two-dimensional surface is curved and determines the sign of curvature. 19 I didn't believe in any of the characters in the book - they were somehow two-dimensional. 20 Our visual world is an immediately present one of colours and flat two-dimensional shapes. 21 In Chapter 3 examples of the geometry of curved spaces are discussed, beginning with two-dimensional surfaces. 22 How much more pertinent is this observation when applied to sculpture rather than the two-dimensional illusionism of painting. 23 In fact it provides more because it yields the curvature K of any two-dimensional surface. 24 For those afflicted with the notion that national politics is on the level and two-dimensional, the following yarn is logical. 25 And then I would be overcome with a hilarity which made everything I saw comic, two-dimensional, utterly without significance. 26 Now they each had a picture which they examined and re-examined, trying to breathe life into the two-dimensional image. 27 The mean velocity also varies vertically, and we shall confine attention to two-dimensional flow. 28 How can one scale up from what can be counted in a two-dimensional section to the three dimensions of living tissue? 29 These artists manipulate paper pulp to make sculptures, reliefs, embossed and two-dimensional work. 30 For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics.