快好知 kuaihz

181 For the two-dimensional gate current component originated from the subbands in the inversion layers, a transmission calculation is performed. 182 Methods The right coronary artery of 100 cases were detected with the two-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound. 183 The fundamental principle of a two-dimensional position-sensitive detector based on microchannel plate is presented. The resistive anode plate and data read-out system of the detector were designed. 184 An approximate equivalent coefficient for two-dimensional sub wavelength was obtained with the related expressions of grating structure. 186 A two-dimensional placement method of minimum area is presented by digraph representation. 187 This paper describes the distributed algorithm of two-dimensional image processing in real-ti(?)e. 188 This is similar to projecting a two-dimensional geometrical point into a three-dimensional space: The value of such projection will be zero in one dimension. 189 Because of two-dimensional planar structure, a large aspect ratio and good application behavior, flaky powders are widely used in pigments, cosmetics and automobile paints. 190 On the basis of discussion about dual-relay cross correlation function, a two-dimensional correlation speed measurement algorithm based on FPGA is put forward. 191 By using backward difference of space-time intensity correlation function with respect to time delay, the two-dimensional velocity vector of a moving diffuser can be measured. 192 For instance, it's also the square of the Euclidean norm on R2, the length of a two-dimensional vector, a part of the triangle inequality, and quite a bit more. 193 The system uses real-number encoding, and defines the fitness value by a two-dimensional vector, inducing a strict partial ordering on the population individuals. 194 On the basis of standard spin-wave theory, the magnetic dispersion relations for a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet are investigated. 195 Two-dimensional (unshaded) cross-stitch in floral and geometric patterns, usually worked in black and red cotton floss on linen, is characteristic of folk embroidery in Eastern and Central Europe . 196 Two-dimensional incompressible turbulent boundary layer growth on the blades is calculated taking into account the blade surface curvature effect and also the rotational effect. 197 By researching the continuity of file data-block allocation on two-dimensional logical block address, the concepts of "sequence continuity" and "stochastic continuity" were presented. 198 Now I'll describe how to tessellate our two-dimensional height map array. 199 The RCS of the two-dimensional PEC cylinder can be calculated by using AWE technique. 200 A method, submatrix method, which is applied to the two-dimensional fast Four- rier transform in a microcomputer, is introduced in the paper. 201 By applying formal asymptotic analysis, we obtain two-dimensional model system of linearly dynamic elastic "membrane" and "flexural" shells from three-dimensional equations. 202 The recurrence formula for radial martrix elements of two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator are derived. 203 By comparison of inlet total pressure recovery coefficient, attack-angle performance of chin inlet and two-dimensional inlet are superior to frontal inlet. 204 At the airgap, magnetic field change is analysed through two-dimensional analytical method and two-dimensional finite-element method. 205 The dendritic morphology of electrodeposition was obtained during electrolyzing zinc in the quasi two-dimensional electrochemical cell, if the concentration of the electrolyte was higher. 206 In the two-dimensional interpretation, we adopt the point source finite-element method and the reciprocity principle which can lighten the calculation burden. 207 It is revealed from the study of the two-dimensional model that the non-conservative impulsive force plays a significant role in the exchanging process of energy. 208 The structural deflection is computed using the one-dimensional simple beam theory or a two-dimensional flexibility matrix method. 209 A new sparse matrix access technique based on an improved two-dimensional chain table data structure is presented and applied to power flow calculation. 210 Results Two-dimensional sonographic findings of testicular seminoma included intratesticular mass in 14 cases, extratesticular mass in 3 cases and infiltration in 5 cases.