快好知 kuaihz

shopping list造句
1. What's next on the shopping list? 2. Did you put bread on the shopping list? 3. I forgot my shopping list. 4. I'm trying to make out a shopping list. 5. Go through your shopping list with a critical eye for foods with a high fat content. 6. The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management. 7. Now what about that shopping list? I've got to get going. 8. I forgot to bring my shopping list with me. 9. They write a shopping list based on the menus. 10. He spoke as if ticking off a shopping list. 11. Newcastle United midfield player Gavin Peacock tops Boro's shopping list. 12. Kathleen Lavender stared down once again at the shopping list in her hand. 13. She had a shopping list in her hand which she put into her handbag when she saw Alice. 14. Old bus tickets, theatre-tickets, a golf score-card, a shopping list, the items almost unreadable. 15. Then I took the shopping list and went to get their supplies for them. 16. The stores vary but the shopping list remains the same except for the addition of the occasional seasonal or a luxury item. 17. Prayer is far more than a shopping list, or an incidental five minutes at the end of a busy day. 18. Next to him, with a similar shopping list, is Tiin, a house-husband shopping for his family. 19. Discard that apron, tear up the shopping list and switch off Jamie Oliver. 20. They do not adjust their shopping list to take advantage of price fluctuations among competing products. 21. The program also provides recipes, a shopping list, estimated meal costs and a nutritional analysis of the recipes. 22. Your weekly shopping list will probably change; you need to think about the best ways to do this for you. 23. This is my shopping list. 24. Don't do it automatically, as though you were reciting a shopping list. 25. Supermarkets today have a range of goods not available in the past, so our current shopping list is quite different. 26. Hard times for the hake and pilchard, next on the U.S. shopping list. 27. I feel a shade disappointed that the small but promising mysteries of the shopping list have yielded up such a homely creature. 28. Diana Adams will now be taking her business elsewhere ... with bananas firmly off the shopping list. 29. Jannie sat down at one corner of the great kitchen table and began to write a shopping list. 30. Then send us a letter and a diagram outlining your dream tank and enclosing a shopping list, along with the form below.