快好知 kuaihz

shopping list造句
31. Avoid caffeine or alcohol; memorise your shopping list. 32. I added butter and sugar to my shopping list. 33. Do you think it's a good idea to make a shopping list? 34. This shopping list is to be sent to Tom for his approval. 35. Therefore, these contracts must fill out a clear shopping list of materials. 36. I needed to buy butter, eggs, orange and lemon zest, and eventually icing and marzipan separately – which is a fair old shopping list. 37. Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list. 38. The archivist misplaced his shopping list inside one of the books. 39. Send your shopping list by SMS or import it from received messages. 40. It's shopping list includes drug-makers like Novartis, the beleagured oil giant BP, advertising concern WPP and Barclays bank. 41. Assemble each recipe in written format, a pen and a shopping list. 42. Before going shopping, they usually make out a shopping list. 43. q335r49 wrote in with his personal preference of using Word's Outline View to contain his to-do list, little personal essays, a shopping list, and whatever more he needs. 44. A wide-player is high on Benitez's shopping list and he is keen on young Holland international Elia, who has been keeping Ryan Babel out of Bert van Marwijk's Dutch team. 45. Then, in Stilwell's presence, she went through her shopping list. 46. Watching a film such as Shakespeare's Henry V becomes a lesson in British history. Bird-watching is a science and totting up the shopping list is a form of maths. 47. I must remember to put salt on my shopping list. 48. Sexiness is a marketable product , the next thing on your shopping list. 49. The trick, Foer says, is to adopt a process known as "elaborative encoding", which involves converting information, such as a shopping list, into a series of "engrossing visual images". 50. Mother: Is there anything on the shopping list that we missed? 51. She wrote out a shopping list as long as her arm.