快好知 kuaihz

1. Every afternoon, Marge would toddle down to the library. 2. Thanks Marge, I'll be glad of the help. 3. In silence, Marge concentrated on finishing her coffee. 4. Marge found that the liquor made her eyes ache. 5. Is Marge still seeing Tom? 6. Marge would very likely come up to Rome. 7. He tried to concentrate on Marge. 8. Marge had been amazed to find him there. 9. He looked down at Marge in mild surprise. 10. Add to marge mixture with skimmed milk and beat. 11. Marge felt that Kitty was baiting her. 12. Hal and Marge, with Barnabas on his red leash. 13. Marge liked the coffee that his filter pot made. 14. Marge was coming down the stairs, barefoot. 15. Marge, or somebody, had provided the reporters with photographs. 16. Oh, and Marge will bake you a chicken pie. 17. Feeling indifferent to Gerald made Marge cold. 18. Marge could hear a man's steps in the hall. 19. Marge Owen had delivered a healthy baby girl. 20. Marge made no secret of her dislike for Terry. 21. Marge was incapable of sensing anything, Tom thought. 22. Marge waved gaily at us. 23. Hal and Marge were there, their good news shining in their eyes. 24. Marge felt herself sinking into the chair she sat in. 25. Marge sat facing the window, listening to the wind until it faded into a greater stillness. 26. Marge protested that she had never had any kind of affair with Lawrence. 27. Marge said that it seemed as if he was 0. 28. Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror. 29. If Marge did come up to Rome suddenly, Tom had a lot of his own clothing hanging ready in the closet. 30. Some of the girls aroused him and arousal made him think first of Charmian, then of Marge.