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61. "I'll never forgive you for this," Marge said, and she marched off without a backward glance. 62. For the last minutes of the film, Marge and Rowena stood behind the last row of seats. 63. Marge, the gal who capsized and bumped over the rocks at Chase Rapids, showed us her bottom bruises. 64. Marge helped serve coffee and triple-layer cake from the old highboy, as the scent of roses drifted through the open windows. 65. Miss Sadie arrived with Hal and Marge, who had fetched her down from Fernbank. 66. Marge was going through her black plastic carry bag, checking the contents. 67. Marge, it's so good to see you! Come in! Come in! 68. They did the freeways and Marge tried to map-read in the haphazard light. 69. The steps were repellent to Tom, but Marge thought them very romantic. 70. Dad and the girls put marge and marmalade on theirs, with Betsy glancing unhappily from one parent to the other. 71. Marge Simpson: Go out there and face that mob! 72. Marge : Best kiss of my life! 73. Marge Simpson : Mmmm best kiss of my life. 74. Guess who I saw yesterday. Marge White. 75. Vernon Dersley: Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. 76. Mrs Marge: The mother of four girls. 77. George and Marge agree and up they go. 78. Oh. Marge is ill, Ate a funny whelk. 79. Marge played a mean game of tennis. 80. Marge Simpson: Despite everything, I miss your father. 81. Soon Marge arrives with Vernon , hugging Dudley while planting a twenty - pound note in his hand. 82. Scott Flanders, the recently-hired chief executive of Playboy Enterprises, told the Chicago Sun-Times in an interview that the Marge Simpson cover and centerfold was "somewhat tongue-in-cheek ." 83. Marge is Vernon's sister and is due to stay for a week. 84. He was still, not wanting to make any noise that might cause Marge to wonder. 85. Though Aunt Marge is now in the hospital, she'll soon be fit as a fiddle. 86. Playboy's first 3-D centerfold comes about six months after the magazine ran a photo spread featuring a cartoon character -- a scantily clad Marge Simpson from the hit television show "The Simpsons. 87. Marge: Bottled please. I prefer German beer and they don't seem to have any on draught. 88. Marge was talking on about free love and communes and drugs she'd read about somewhere. 89. Vernon mentions picking up Aunt Marge, whose train is due at 10 o 'clock. 90. Jeff Sr . and Marge thanked me, but I was the grateful one.