快好知 kuaihz

1, In those days the land was plowed by oxen. 2, I plowed into the car in front. 3, The seeds were dispersed on the plowed lands. 4, The plane had plowed a path through a patch of forest before coming to rest in a field. 5, A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform. 6, They hammered and plowed and drilled. 7, So I borrowed a yoke of oxen and plowed an adjoining field. 8, Hoard and Graham plowed downfield, with the Raiders offering little resistance. 9, They fled south along the edge of the plowed field, then cut across toward Highway 18. 10, Like a bulldozer, it plowed rock off the ocean crust that was descending and piled it into hills along its edge. 11, In the week ended Jan. 10, investors plowed $ 1. 135 billion into international funds. 12, That money has been plowed back into the budget to improve services, he said. 13, They plowed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland. 14, Men plowed the muddy fields with water buffalo. 15, The farmer plowed field in preparation for planting corn. 16, Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves. 17, I plowed my way through ( the crowd ). 18, I need my vegetable patch plowed. 19, The truck plowed into a parked car. 20, The examiners plowed half the candidates. 21, He plowed through his exams. 22, He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds. 23, We plowed our way through the crowd. 24, He plowed through the pile of books. 25, We've plowed through all the documents related to the case. 26, Paradox plowed into paradox , stillness mixed with stillness ,[http:///plowed.html] sound with sound. 27, The old man plowed on into the gigantic wilderness of wave and writhing sea. 28, When plowing, I plowed deeply ; when weeding, I weeded throughout. 29, With no incentive to build new rental housing, developers have plowed money into high-income condominiums. 30, In some cases, mail carriers could not get to mailboxes surrounded by plowed snow.