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151. Everyone is downwind or downstream from everybody ( principle of the global commons ) . 152. The House of Commons is part of the British Parliament. 153. Montgomery, famously self-centred and arrogant, was roundly criticised by the British press and Opposition MPs in the House of Commons. 154. On May 13, 1940, in his first statement as Prime Minister to the British House of Commons, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill declared: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. 155. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 2.5 Taiwan License. 156. Unless otherwise stated, content on this website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial 2.5 China Mainland. 157. The Creative Commons provides this mechanism through pro bono legal work, technical and community leadership, and constant advocacy. 158. Nancy Witcher Astor, or Viscountess Astor, was the second woman elected to the British Parliament's House of Commons and the first to actually serve. 159. The modern wording has continued to be used in the CofE's latest prayer book, Commons Worship, adopted in 2006. 160. Hansard provide a verbatim account of the proceeding of the house of commons. 161. Funicular - Wikimedia Commons - A funicular, also known as an inclined plane or cliff railway, is a cable railway in which a cable attached to a pair of tram-like vehicles on rails moves them up and ... 162. Many of those barons went over to the king's side, while de Montfort drew much of his support from the Commons and the towns, who saw him as a champion of their burgeoning rights. 163. Knight ( 1921 ), Commons ( 1934 ), and Coase ( 1937 ) had developed a school of their own, Transaction Cost Economics ( TCE ). 164. Although in the Shang and Zhou times it was repelled by the culture of officiant and the culture of rites and music, the culture of witchcraft still had tremendous influences among the commons. 165. How does dry be on short commons return a responsibility? 166. Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessing, Brazil's Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow are also along for the ride. 167. In his budget statement, delivered to the House of Commons on 24 March, Darling said that the UK must renew and modernise its energy supplies if it hoped to improve its infrastructure. 168. The pleasure of leading the ragtag and bobtail proves but so-so, compared with the pleasure of commanding the House of Commons. 169. Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling poses with his ministerial red dispatch box as he leaves 11 Downing Street, en route to delivering the annual budget to the House of Commons. 170. In the British House of Commons on April 26, Churchill demanded that the British government should send two aircraft carriers to the Far East for "effective power of retaliation". 171. A maiden voyage; a maiden speech in the House of Commons. 172. The London 2012 Olympics also remains "another critical area of vulnerability", according to the report from the Commons home affairs select committee published today.