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121. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 License. 122. After serving with distinction in the Seven Years' War (1756–63), Burgoyne was elected to the House of Commons in 1761 and again in 1768. 123. When still a backbencher, he already distinguished himself in the Commons andas a bright young man. 124. A grand total of 28 women were elected to the House of Commons. 125. It is the first step in the workup of any newly diagnosed lung malignancy. Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. 126. This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 2.5 License. 127. Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights. 128. When still a backbencher, he already distinguished himimmolation in the Commons and was seen as a bright young man. 129. This paper analyses the component and model of IC, and introduces the core ideas of IC from the point of information service model, library functions, and the information commons. 130. He moved out into the slanting sunlight on the commons. 131. The ability in the hand had a few money to forget the experience of abdomen of be on short commons, random is prodigal , people says burn packet of " for ". 132. It used parliamentary procedure to prevent voting in March on an identical amendment in the Commons, which had been proposed by Patricia Hewitt, the health secretary until 2007. 133. He further said British House of Commons is going to debate the Iraq problem later in the day and "the speech of Blair will be challenged by his own Labor Party". 134. This phenomenon is described as the commons in credit market is the paper. 135. So Creative Commons goes all the way from copyleft to very restrictive licenses. 136. The alternative of the commons is too horrifying to contemplate. 137. Like the sergeant at arms in the commons, black rod is responsible for keeping order in the house. 138. The books were “Law of Nations”, Dissertation on International Relations and tome of debate by Members of the British House of Commons. 139. Effective democracy depends, above all, on the quality of the House of Commons. Electoral reform for the Commons has a totemic status among some of Britain's constitutional reformers. 140. The tragedy of the sea is the tragedy of the commons, which is that anyone with access to a common resource has an interest in over-exploiting it because if he does not, someone else will. 141. Kris Commons put Forest ahead, calmly slotting home from the spot after Nathan Jones felled James Perch. 142. The lenient sentence passed on the convicted rapist caused such a hue and cry that questions were asked in the House of Commons and many people demanded a change in the law. 143. A law approved in February cuts the seats in the British House of Commons from 650 to 600. 144. Students also play Frisbee in the city's largest park, the Boston Commons. 145. These problems involve primarily the oceans and atmosphere—the commons which are shared by all and are the basis of our life-support system . 146. Since 1980 the courts have been permitted to look at Hansard (the official report of the debates and proceedings in the House of Commons) as an external aid to the construction of a statute. 147. The question is before a Select Committee of the House of Commons at this very moment. 148. Follow the old to run,[http:///commons.html] every day be on short commons. 149. The millennial generation is celebrating the global commons every day, apparently unmindful of Hardin's warning. 150. In the House of Commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule.